
上圖:雙語新聞主播 都省瑞 (Ray Du)。

【國立教育廣播電台新聞組】1. 彰化縣政府舉辦募書競賽,短短2個月的時間,總共募得近33萬冊的書籍,相當於縣政府三年的購書經費;縣政府將配合推動閱讀創新計畫,讓圖書館、社區閱讀中心可以跟學校、教育、個人做密切結合,讓計畫繼續延續下去,在彰化呈現出美好的成果。
The Chang-Hua County launched a books collection competition and obtained an impressive three hundred and thirty thousand books in just two month, which is roughly equivalent to three years of budget for books purchase. The county will continue this project and pair it up with a reading promotion plan to knit libraries, community reading centers, schools, education, and individuals closely together. The county wishes to proceed with this plan and see its effects take form in the Chang-Hua County.

2. 行政院長江宜樺在行政院會表示,目前是登革熱流行期,我國本土登革熱疫情目前集中高雄市,病例數快速增加,加上日前氣爆事件,及南部豪雨造成積水,防疫工作不能鬆懈。江院長原則同意衛生福利部申請動支行政院第二預備金3,000萬元,協助高雄市政府因應登革熱疫情,加強防疫工作。
The premier of the Executive Yuan Yiang Yi Hua stated in a Yuan meeting that Dengue fever is now very active. Cases of Dengue fever in Taiwan come primarily from Kaoshiung City and the infected number has been on the rise. Considering the recent gas explosion incident and the heavy monsoons in the area, the work to prevent Dengue fever from spreading cannot be emphasized less. Thus, the premier has agreed to the additional 30 million dollars budget proposed by the Ministry of Health and Welfare to fight the fever.

3. 新北市立圖書館推出「真人圖書館」,讀者從今天(15)起,不只可以借書,還可借「人」,民眾可以在預約時間,到館內和典範人物面對面,探索他們的人生閱歷。目前館藏有7位典範人物,包括臺灣鈔票雕刻家孫文雄國寶級剪紙大師李煥章、身障綜藝團團員郭韋齊等,真人圖書館採預約制,民眾預約後,館方會安排借閱時間,每次以30分鐘為主。
The New Taipei City Library is now giving a “Real-life Person Library” service. Readers can not only borrow books from today onwards but also borrow a “person”. If you make a reservation, you can meet and learn about great people face to face and explore their life. As of right now, there are seven people available for reservation, including Taiwan bank note artist Sung Wen Shiung, origami master Lee Huang Chang, handicapped entertainment band member Guo Wei Chi and others. This service has to be reserved, and after a reservation is made, the library will arrange for a time that lasts around 30 minutes each visit.

4. 為行銷身心障礙福利機構及團體秋節產品禮盒,台南市社會局,舉行「中秋愛心產品禮盒促銷活動記者會」,台南市長賴清德表示「為善最樂」,呼籲民眾、中小企業發揮愛心,用行動關懷弱勢團體,訂購中秋產品禮盒,在慶祝中秋佳節時,享用愛心月餅,不僅助人也讓心靈溫暖快樂。
To promote the sale of Moon Festival products made by the physically or mentally handicapped, the Department of Social Welfare of Tainan City hosted a media conference to help them promote their products. The city mayor said that “paying it forward” brings the most happiness and he calls for the combined effort of people and companies to support underprivileged groups with action. While enjoying the Moon Festival snacks, you can also enjoy the joy of lending a helping hand.

5. 根據調查顯示,國內有三分之一的糖尿病患,在過去半年裡,曾發生低血糖的症狀。醫師提醒,年長的銀髮族、使用傳統藥物治療的患者及擔任駕駛無法按時吃飯的病患等,應養成定時進餐與經常監測血糖的習慣,同時也要瞭解低血糖的症狀,一旦意外發生,須即時處理。
Based on research, one third of all the diabetes patients in Taiwan have had low blood sugar symptoms in the past half-year. Doctors reminded the elderly, patients using traditional treatment, and people like drivers who can’t eat on schedule to get into the habit of eating on time and checking the blood sugar rate from time to time. Also, they must understand the symptoms of low blood sugar so that when accidents do happen; there can be an immediate reaction.

6. 電腦專家說,網路使用量大,但是,網路空間卻不足。網路當機今後或許成為常態。星期二,英國網路大當機,不少交易沒辦法完成,很多人上不了網。網拍網站eBay當天幾乎停業。客戶抱怨連連。據了解出問題的是「路由器」。牛津大學網際網路學院的萊特博士說,在「路由器」的記憶體和運算能力增強以前,上不了網應該會是常有的事。
Computer experts say that the Internet is now heavily used but it is lacking enough space to accommodate all the traffic, making lags and freezes more and more common. On Tuesday, England had a major Internet breakdown and many transactions were unable to be processed because many people cannot access the Internet. The auction website eBay was also shut down on that day, causing major complaints from its clients. To our understanding, the problem occurred in the router. Professor Lyte of Oxford Internet Academy said that before we develop new routers with considerably stronger and faster memory and processing power, we would meet all kinds of problem when surfing the Internet.