Lindy Li: “My heart is in pieces”

By Lindy Li, APRIL 3, 2016

Friends and loved ones,

After three days and evenings fighting in Pennsylvania’s Commonwealth Court, I have withdrawn from the Congressional race in PA-6 for 2016. I’m truly sorry I couldn’t hold onto our dream. My heart is in pieces.
Lindy Li and Beatrice Lee pose for a picture(file photo).

Through your efforts, we gathered around 2,500 signatures, well over the 1,000 signatures a Congressional candidate needs to appear on the ballot. Although some of our signatures were void due to errors that are common among candidate petitions,… during the court proceedings, I learned of a much greater problem: one of our notaries failed to keep a notary log that is required by law. This oversight disqualified a significant portion of our signatures, placing us below the legal requirement. I take full responsibility for what happened.

We were ahead in the polls and had the support of Americans not only in PA-6 but also around Pennsylvania and America, raising over half a million dollars from citizens who scrimped and saved to realize our vision for our incredible country. I could never have imagined that our battle would be in a courtroom, rather than in the court of public opinion. I ask myself now: If I had known a year ago that this would happen, would I still have run? My answer is an unwavering “yes.” Victory is measured in the number of people that were touched and inspired — by that count, we have many more than 1,000.

This episode leaves me with no bitterness or resentment — only love. The judge presiding over the hearing said he had never before been so moved in an election case, as a parade of supporters bravely took the stand on our campaign’s behalf. When the court adjourned, I embraced with warmth those who sought to end our campaign. While disappointed, I wish my opponent the very best and will devote my time now to supporting other candidates and serving our community.

This campaign was a labor of love. I will run for public office again to serve our country and hope you will remain with me. Thank you so much for sharing this journey with me.



​李林笛的民主党内初选对手,以候选人名列选票所必需的联署请愿签名(Petition signature) 不符规定为由,将李林笛告上法院。经过法院多日比对审核,证实联署书确有多处疏漏,不符要求。根据宾州法律,国会参选人如果要名列初选选票,必须获得1000份以上的合格选民联署请愿,李林笛团队提交了2470份,但是被认证的有效联署没有达到法定的1000份,从而失去了候选人的资格。




