气愤!莱克星顿华人妇女被咬伤 狗主人拒绝求助并逃走

【波士顿双语网2024年8月30日讯】据波士顿第五频道电视台报道,家住麻州莱克星顿镇的华人妇女席平(Xi Ping,音译)周三(28日)下午在阿灵顿水库边走路的时候,被狗咬伤倒在地上,狗的主人拒绝求助并逃走。幸好几分钟后一位好心人帮忙拨打了911,救护车把65岁的席平女士送到Lahey医院急诊室。



65岁的席平说,两名带着狗的妇女从她身边走过,其中一只狗咬了她的膝盖后部。血顺着她的腿流下来,她恳求那两名妇女拨打 911,但她们拒绝了。

“你们能打 911 吗?‘不’。为什么?我说我只想去医院。你们能打电话吗?‘不’,”席平说。席平试图给两名妇女和狗拍照,但她说其中一名妇女试图阻止她。






Woman says when she was bitten by dog in Arlington, Massachusetts, owner refused to help

A woman said when she was bitten by a dog at the Arlington, Massachusetts, Reservoir Wednesday afternoon, the owner refused to call for help, leaving her injured on the ground.

“I tell you the truth, I’m scared,” Xi Ping said.

Scared and shaken up, Ping has a bandage wrapped around her knee where the dog bit her.

“Suddenly I fall on the ground. I feel my leg is caught by something,” Ping said.

Ping, 65, said two women with dogs were walking past her when one of the dogs bit her on the back of her knee. Blood poured down her leg, and she begged the women to call 911, but they refused.

“Can you call 911? ‘No.’ Why? I say I just want to go to the hospital. Can you call? ‘No,'” Ping said.

Ping tried to take a picture of the women and the dog, but she said one of the women tried to stop her.

“No! Why you take picture! No!She stopped me,” Ping said.

Ping said the women left her bleeding on the ground. Another woman walking by saw her and called for help. Ping said the wound was so deep that the doctor asked her if she had been bitten by a wild animal.

“Are you sure you were not bit by coyote? I say no,” Ping said.

Because the dog’s owner took off, Ping now has to get a series of four rabies shots. She hopes police find the owner so this doesn’t happen to anyone else.

“Especially small children and the seniors,” Ping said.

Ping said she didn’t get a good description of the dog since it lunged at her from behind. Arlington police said their animal control officer is investigating.

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