Boston 地区“兰亭雅聚”书法爱好者,将在Framingham Public Library举办中国书法讲座研讨,讲解中国书法基本知识,点评和欣赏书法作品,为书法爱好者提供学习和交流的机会。欢迎对中国文化和中国书法有兴趣的中外人士参加。书法研讨会语言可以使用中文或英文。所有活动均为免费志愿参加并对公众开放。
地点:Framingham 公共图书馆,J Craft 会议室
活动包括专题演讲以及灵活安排的书法技法讨论, 现场挥毫和古今作品现场展示。
具体日程以最后通知为准。欢迎书法爱好者参加,诚征演讲专题,古今书画展示和现场挥毫,详情可联系:[email protected]
Chinese Calligraphy Seminar and Discussion
Local Chinese Calligraphy Group will provide opportunity to learn Chinese writing and Chinese calligraphy. The group will hold a series of seminars to discuss Chinese calligraphy and culture. All activities are free and open to public. Seminars will be given in Chinese or English.
Calligraphy Seminar and Demo: 2:00 to 4:30PM, Sunday, April 15, 2012, J Craft Room.
Place: Framingham Public Library,49 Lexington Street,Framingham, MA 01702.
To participate in seminars and demo, please contact email: [email protected]