Journal of Tibetan and Himalayan Studies

Journal of Tibetan and Himalayan Studies was launched in 2016 by The Research Center of Foreign Tibetology at Shaanxi Normal University. The Center is aimed for developing into a first-class national research center and a new professional think tank with its academic influence of Tibetan Studies.

Tabel of Contents, Journal of Tibetan and Himalayan Studies, Volumn 1, Number 1
(Please email to request a particular article below.)

In Memory of Prof. WANG Yao: Professor Wang Yao’s Academic Career and Life
By WANG Qilong

On the Life and Oeuvre of the Jo nang pa Scholar Zhang ston Rgya boBsod nams grags pa (1292-1370)
By Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp

Some Notes on Khubilai Khan, vPhags-pa and Kar-ma Pak-shi in the Years 1251-1255
By WANG Qilong

A Newly Found Old Tibetan Land Registry Preserved in the National Library of China
By Kazushi Iwao

Gyi ljang Dbu dkar ba and His Exorcism Manual Found in Kharakhoto
By SUN Penghao

Journeys in the Himalayas
By Petra Maurer

Book Reviews:
WEI XIE Yizhu《韦协》译注(Annotated Translation to Dbav-Bzhed) by Basang Wangdu 巴桑旺堆
By WANG Qilong, & YIN Haiyan

Qing Shilu Zangzu Shiliao 清实录藏族史料(Tibetan Historical Sources in Qing Shilu and Xuantong Zhengji) compiled by GU Zucheng 顾祖成
By LI Yuxuan, & CHEN Penghui

Zangyu Yanjiu Wenlun 藏语研究文论(Collected Articles on Tibetan Language Study) by HU Tan 胡坦
By WANG Chaowanli, & LI Yongbin

Zangli de Yuanli yu Shijian 藏历的理论与实践(Studies on the Principle and Application of Tibetan Calendar—based on the translation and research of the Tibetan original by Phyag-mdzod Gsung-rab and Mav-yang Bsod-pa Rgyal-mtshan) by HUANG Mingxin 黄明信and CHEN Jiujin 陈久金
By CAO Linying, & NIU Haiyang

Tubo Tongzhi Shiqi Dunhuang Shiku Yanjiu吐蕃统治时期敦煌石窟研究(Studies on Dunhuang Grottoes during the Period of Tibetan Occupation [Tubo Period]) by SHA Wutian沙武田
By ZHOU Runlai, & GU Yuanyuan

Xizang Lishi he Fojiao de Yuwenxue Yanjiu 西藏历史和佛教的语文学研究(Philological Study on Tibetan History and Buddhism) by SHEN Weirong 沈卫荣
By WANG Tiantian, WANG Yue

Xizang Mijiao Shi 西藏密教史(The History of Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism) by Suonan Cairang索南才让
By CAO Linying, & YANG Yang

Basiba Shengping yu Zhang Suozhi Lun Duikan Yanjiu八思巴生平与《彰所知论》对勘研究(Studies on vPhags pa’s Life and His Shes bya Rab tu Gsal) by WANG Qilong 王启龙
By SUN Jian, & YANG Yang

Xizang Fojiao Fazhan Shilue西藏佛教发展史略(The Brief History of Tibetan Buddhism) by WANG Sen 王森
By NIU Haiyang, & WANG Limeihui

Shuijing Baoman: Zangxue Wenshi Lunji水晶宝鬘——藏学文史论集(A Great Treasure: The Collection of Articles on Tibetan Literature and History) by WANG Yao 王尧
By ZENG Lirong, & ZHOU Runlai

Zangchuan Fojiao Yishu Fazhan Shi藏传佛教艺术发展史(The History of Tibetan Buddhist Art) edited by XIE Jisheng 谢继胜
By YANG Lihao, & WANG Li