FETI Travel / 东美旅行社



欧洲、澳洲特价团:$888 8天悉尼及黄金海岸之旅;$688 大不列颠精华游;$1099 欧洲三国法瑞意精华游11天

亚洲丰富多彩精选:$499 台湾5天逍遥游;$88 昆明-大理-丽江-香格里拉8天超值游;$599 首尔5天知性文化探索之旅;$88 北京皇城御园经典8天;$399 金装泰国6天;$18 大江南水乡7天美食豪华游

Founded in 1989 and located in the heart of Boston, FETI Travel is one of the city’s largest travel agencies and is the largest Massachusetts agency specializing in travel to China, Taiwan, and destinations in Asia. Since its founding, service-oriented FETI has earned a solid reputation for honesty, reliability, efficiency, and economy thanks to the dedication of its experienced and dedicated team of agents.


As a member of the Sabre network, we book travel directly with the world’s major airlines and issue tickets in our own office. We can offer the lowest possible international fares, both Coach and Business Class, for travel to China and other Asian destinations thanks to our close working relationships with most of the major airlines serving Asia.
东美旅行社为您提供全方位的服务,并拥有各项执照。我们的顾客包括公司、学校、政府部门等团体,也包括波士顿地区的广大侨胞。作为Sabre network的成员,我们可以直接向世界各大航空公司订票,并在办公室出票。我们可以为您提供国际航班商务或经济舱的最低票价。我们经验丰富的订票员可以为您安排最为便利航线,按照您的要求订购最好的游船或美加、欧亚旅行团,为您回国探亲、休闲渡假提供最优良的旅行服务。
To book air tickets, get visa to China, or find out latest travel deals deals, please give us a call at (617)451-0606 or visit out website www.fetitravel.com. Our address is: 65 Harrison Ave. Suite 402, Boston, MA 02111.


东美旅行社的地址是:65 Harrison Ave. Suite 402, Boston, MA 02111,网址是:www.fetitravel.com

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