Established in 2004, the Angel Performing Arts Inc. first opened its doors to Greater Chicago as a dance academy dedicated to passing on the rich traditions of Chinese performance art. At the end of 2004, Angel Performance Art was relocated to Boston and continues to provide a dance curriculum for those interested in learning authentic Chinese Dance as an art form.
News and Announcement
- 天使在人间——第四届亚美节闪亮登场
- 大型民族舞剧《大梦敦煌》揭开第四届亚美节序幕
- Angel Dance Company Brings Splendid Colors to Boston’s Spring
- 天使之星课后辅导中心招生通知
- Register Now: 2013 Angel Performing Arts Summer Dance Workshop
- Pictures and Video from 2012 Acton Chinese Music Night
For more info about Angle Performing Arts, please visit
2014中国舞蹈大赛将于6/15 在Regis College 剧院拉开帷幕!参赛选手们来自纽约,新泽西,波士顿200多名,年龄8-20+,都是舞蹈小金鹰!!大赛筹备了2年!国际评委有来自北京舞蹈学院的资深教师刘沫,艺术家刘晓梅,和来自俄罗斯芭蕾团的资深教授Irina等!这是一个绚丽多彩,展现舞者舞台实力的舞蹈盛宴!!
10:30-12:30PM8-12Y 独舞,双人舞小组舞比赛
2:30-4:30PM 各年龄群舞比赛
入场卷免费!Email to Ke Ke :
“美国亚太传统文化月 / Celebrating Asian Heritage Month of May” 推出
中国江苏无锡歌剧舞剧院经典原创巨作《绣娘》 / Classic Chinese Dance Show
5月26号波城上演!/ To be staged on May 26 at John Hancock Hall
美国亚奇人文艺术中心, 天使舞蹈艺术公司隆重推出!
Presented By AGIS Center for Arts and Humanities, Inc. and Angel Dance Company!