時間: 2/16(Sun) 1:30pm~3:00pm
地點: 45 Nagog Park, Acton
網址 – http://www.rolccib.org
熱鬧, 溫馨, 期待的元宵節又到了, 為慶祝2014年元宵節, 我們特地為您精心策劃元宵節聯歡會, 聯歡會裡有飲食攤位: 家鄉美食, 南北小吃; 文化攤位: 搓湯圓, 猜燈謎, 燈籠製作, 剪紙, 摺紙, 字畫, 經文福籤, 卡拉OK,各小組表演節目及摸彩活動等。
You and your family are all warmly invited to join the 元宵節聯歡會 celebration with us. Would you please also post the info on your newspaper or online news at your early convenience? We’d like to invite more people coming to join this special event. Thank you very much for your great help!
Above is the info and Please also see attached poster for more detail.
Hope to see you all at this celebration!