Travel millions of miles, read a thousands volumes of books, read countless people. This is the growth path of strategists, but also Mr. Zhao Yunlong’s life creed. A keen reader and traveler, he was arranged by fate to study geology and geography at the China University of Geology. As he worked, he studied the landscapes of mountains and rivers around the world, traveled to seven continents, to many countries, and even to the sparsely populated North and South Poles. He has a passion for military strategy, reading a collection of Chinese and foreign military books, including Sun Tzu’s Military Law, The Seven Books of the Martial Arts, Krausewitz’s Theory of War and the theory of brzejinsky, a contemporary American strategist, and so on. In particular, he like to combine the theory of military law, study the success or failure of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign political and historical figures, unique, quite a good idea.
Mr. Zhao Yunlong (pictured above) was responsible for world economic research at the Institute of World Economics and Politics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in the 1990s and also worked for the Ministry of Information Industry of China. Later after that, he managed to have a number of enterprises integrated into the Guoxin Group and as chairman, the economic benefits of the enterprise is good, at that time has hundreds of millions of RMB of assets, he himself became the cover figure of a number of magazines. He has great ambition, for the future self development, determined to study abroad, was admitted to Columbia University. Since 2010, he had been working as a professional at the Institute of East Asian Studies at the University of Columbia. He joined United Nations Headquarters in 2012 as Deputy Director of the Expert Committee of the International Information Development Organization. Immigrated to the United States in 2012 because of special talent.
Mr. Zhao Yunlong is passionate about the analysis and research of world political and economic trends and has invested more than 1 million US dollars in a number of studies on the political landscape organized by the United Nations. Over the years, he has met many politicians and scholars, he has visited former U.S. President Bill Clinton, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and other famous people. Several interviews with Dr. Kissinger, a U.S. strategist (former U.S. Secretary of State and Nobel Peace Prize winner). The friendship with Mr. Mondale, the Nobel laureate in economics, was guided by his guidance and fostered a rigorous attitude towards discipline. These experiences greatly enriched his erudite and broad ideological wisdom, and the differences in political, economic and cultural culture of various countries gave him a deeper understanding of the globalization of the economy and society. During this period,he published several books: Sun tzu’s Military Law in the Contemporary Use, 2012-2022 in the Next Decade of Political and Economic Trends Analysis, The Sino-japanese Relations of Mutual Benefit and win-win war is both defeated, poetry collection Dragon World and so on, especially under the guidance of Columbia University professor Robert Mondale, put forward the United States euro to the unified dominant world currency “currency unification theory”, in the economic field has a positive impact. Zhao Yunlong served as Director of the Expert Committee of the Asia-Pacific Association of Columbia University. He has taught Sun Tzu’s military law and international strategy at Harvard University, Columbia University, Andre University, etc.
Mr. Zhao Yunlong is enthusiastic about public welfare and was awarded the President’s Award of President Barack Obama in 2015 for volunteer contribution. He became a member of President Donald Trump’s Advisory Council in 2018. He is a member of the World Masonic.
Mr. Zhao Yunlong spent two decades on a round-the-world tour to explore and experience the political, economic and cultural history and culture of various countries. He has traveled with Wang Shi and Feng Lun to Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to Kenya with the University of North-East Gold, to Kenya with the French billionaire, to the Shahara Desert and Morocco in North Africa, to zhou Lin with the famous inventor Zhou Lin Spectrum Analyzer in the South Continent, and with Professor Sun Jiang of Northwest University of Political Science and Law to Cuba, the Dominican Republic and so on, with footprints in 96 countries on seven continents (2000-2020). He has taken more than 300,000 photos and thousands of videos, the essence of its, published “Cloud Dragon Travel world”, to commemorate.
Achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls in the context of climate change, environmental and disaster risk reduction policies and programs.
多年来,臭氧层变薄、空气污染、水资源浪费、动植物物种急剧减少,以及极端天气频发等环境问题一次次威胁着人类的生存和发展。2020年,地球经历了太多不可思议的灾难。百年不遇的新冠肺炎爆发,全球百万 人受到感染,地震、海啸、洪涝等自然灾害在世界各地相继发生。患病几率的增加和资源的短缺带来了更多的冲突,甚至是局部战争,尤其是在世界的 贫困地区。在所有的战争与冲突中,妇女儿童受到的灾难尤为深重。要提高妇女地位,维护和平是首要前提。没有世界的和平与稳定,就谈不上妇女地位的提高和妇女权益的保障。
当然,我们不能简单的定义女性为“弱势群体”,更不能忽视女性在气 候变化中的重要作用。联合国数据表明,全球参与工作的女性中有39%进行 农业、林业和渔业生产。农村女性作为从事农活的主要劳动者,具有丰富的 气候适应的本地经验,对当地生态和资源的可持续管理有着独特的知识和理 解。让女性参与应对气候变化决策过程,将有助于制定有效的适应方案,加 强整个社会的气候变化韧性。女性往往能提供不同的知识观点和解决方案, 这让出台的政策更加全面和完善,以及最大程度上保证公平和公正。所以要保障女性参与决策的渠道,重视女性的本土知识和经验,设立增强女性适应气候变化的能力建设项目。
在抗击新冠肺炎疫情的斗争中,妇女和女孩首当其冲地受到这一大流行病的巨大社会和经济影响。在中国抗击新冠肺炎疫情最紧要的时刻,来自 中国全国各地支援湖北的4万多名医护人员中,三分之二是女性。万千妇女在拯救生命的同时,她们的生命正在遭受着威胁。报告指 出,新冠大流行产生的深远社会和经济影响正在不成比例地影响世界各地的 妇女,从包括家庭暴力在内的大量暴力侵害妇女行为,到妇女在劳动力市场 中所处的不利地位(她们承担着大部分无偿护理和家务劳动),妇女的贫困 率增加了9.1%。据估计,由于新冠大流行,2021年将有4700万名妇女和女孩 被推入极端贫困的境地,使总数达到4.35亿人。报告认为,这一大流行病的 后果有可能使几十年的进步和许多来之不易的成果付之东流。
首先,政府可以提高奋战在抗疫一线的女性医护人员的薪资奖励、加强社会福利保障力度、提供政府补助、增加特设岗位等。其次,对于在疫情中失去工作和稳定的收入来源,以及受到剥削和虐待的妇女,必须有针对性地向她们提供必要支持,以确保粮食安全,防止脆弱群体沦为消极应对机制的牺牲品。政府或非营利性组织出台相应的政策和特别措施,包括引入替代 举报机制,通过移动电话或通信应用程序提供远程服务,为性别暴力受害者提供庇护所等, 帮助女性群体更快地从疫情灾害中恢复过来。
联合国秘书长古特雷斯在联大举行的纪念北京世界妇女大会25周年高 级别会议表示,妇女仍然经常被排除在和平谈判、气候谈判和各种决策角色 之外。在世界范围内,在享有法律权利方面,女性只及男性的75%。世界银 行估计,可能需要150年才能实现终生所得收入的性别均等,而这一差距的存在导致了172万亿美元的人力资本财富损失。
目前的很多政策是关于解决女性教育、健康和贫穷等问题的,这主要 解决的还是女性自身的问题。但是,当谈到男女不平等,这不平等大多来自男性对女性的歧视。在现实社会中,对女性的伤害有很大一部分来自于平穷、缺乏教育的野蛮的男性,即使这些女性身心健康,拥有财富,依然无法避免这样的伤害。所以,提高这一部分男性的教育水平和综合素养,培养对 女性的尊重意识,是必不可少的。比如,联合国曾在全球范围发起名为“他为她”(HeforShe)的性别平等运动,帮助消除性别刻板印象、减轻各种潜在 的性别风险。这些运动提高了全社会对性暴力和性别暴力的认知程度和预防 意识,引导各年龄层男性选择更为健康的生活方式。实现男女平等是衡量社 会文明的重要尺度。
不平等现象就像是病毒,要是它不断蔓延,所有人的健康,财富和整 体状况都会下降。人类的命运与地球的命运息息相关,所以保护地球,维护 和平,抵制战争,消除不平等,为人类的生存和发展带来幸福和光明,是我们人类共同的责任。
1. Brown, Oli. “Climate Change and Forced Migrations: Observations, Projections, and Implications.” Human Development Report Office, 2015
2. Gender CC – Women for Climate Justice. “Gender and Climate Change.” 2017. Retrieved from
3. Barrios, Roberto and Pichon Battle, Colette. Equity in Disaster Recovery, Mitigation and Adaptation. White paper. 2018.
4. The World Health Organization. Gender, Climate Change and Health. WHO, 2014. ISBN: 978