Shameless Tweet Brings Shame on Hillary Herself

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    Sept. 28, 2015, — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) tweeted this yesterday: “Xi hosting a meeting on women’s rights at the UN while persecuting feminists? Shameless.” The following is one of many critical responses on Hillary’s tweet.


    You defended a child rapist as a lawyer and accused the victim of being emotionally unstable, etc. Did you do it for money? How did that help women?

    Who is to say who put those five Chinese women in jail? Just like in the U.S. when everything is blamed on Obama, that country has over 1.3 billion people. The president does not necessarily order private individuals to be put in jail. He could have very well been the one responsible for their release afterwards! One would really need to know him well as a person before calling his shameless. Most likely he wasn’t even involved in their arrest. And now how you could ever face him if you were to be elected President? If he is at the U.N. speaking for women, join him and work together. You are too emotional and simple minded. I wouldn’t trust you with the power to press the red button at 3am.

    You and your husband have not lead perfect lives. I could see how somebody would use of a personal e-mail server for personal stuff. But you used it to deal with sensitive government information. I have not heard you being ashamed of yourself for that, and for all half truths you tend to say every now and then, and resort to the same name calling and sound bites instead of providing substance.

    You have also shown to have not much diplomatic skills:
    – you embarrassed us in Russia with your reset button idea
    – you have said you are not like Obama who tries not to do anything stupid diplomatically
    – as secretary of state, you didn’t do much to bring peace to the middle east or help women in Africa
    – your health care reform went nowhere

    In addition:
    – you went to Bosnia and fabricated a story about being shot at
    – you looted the white house, shipping furniture to your NY house!
    – your foundation has taken money from the iranian government
    – no strong voice of support for Planned Parenthood, for women’s rights in the U.S.

    The U.S. is far from perfect and ought to go after worse countries instead.

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