
上图:“千人计划”创业大赛宣讲会现场(陈童 摄)。











Belleds Technologies
Belleds has demonstrated WiFi LED light control and WiFi audio/music application. Through their in-house development and design optimization, they achieved very low product cost without scarifying quality.

Berry Logistics
Based in Ann Arbor, MI, the founders are from University of Michigan. Their patented Berry Tag is applied to the outside of a product’s packaging before it ships. If the product experiences any form of unwarranted impact during its shipping and handling process, the Berry Tag will change color; indicating mishandling. Berry Tags come in multiple shapes, sizes, and sensitivities such that they can be adjusted to needs of each individual product.

Bounce Imaging
The device, featuring cameras, LEDs and sensors, can be thrown into a dangerous space, where it captures images and data that are transmitted to the user’s mobile device. Bounce Imaging was founded by three MBA graduates from MIT Sloan, currently they are based in Harvard Innovation Lab. The venture was a 2012 Gold Prize Winner in MassChallenge; It was also named a 2013 Popular Science Invention Award winner and Invention of Year by Time Magazine.

Changing Environments
Changing Environments designs small-scale urban solar solutions for the urban environment. With modular approach to smart urban furniture they distribute charging and sensing hubs as a service. Their core value is to update the city for the urban generation. Charging – solar powered energy to charge phones and tablets outdoors off the grid; Sensing – environmental and behavioral data collection.

CZAR-POWER is a MIT-Tsinghua tech start-up, which stands ready to enter the electric vehicle (EV) charging market with an efficient, low-cost, and multi-functional charger designed to fit into consumers’ lives and garages.

Smarking provides SaaS to both consumers and facilities with predictive analytics and cloud computing technologies based on large scale data sourced broadly. To quickly turn cash positive and build up the data & consumer network, we initially focus on airport parking market.

Created by ”Draw Something” designer Garett Peek, along with David Alson, and Philip Golbraikh, Sneeky is an anonymous social app which focuses on photos.

Verbal Care
VerbalCare helps patients better communicate with their nursing staff, while also providing nurses with clearer understanding of patient needs. Their software works on tablets the patients use, and the nursing staff replies back to the patients with handheld devices. The system also provides workflow analysis the administration can use to see what the staff is doing, and better understand patient needs. is all about community communication. Launched at MIT in 2013, this location-based communications medium allows people to share information about and stay informed in their communities. On, anyone can be a reporter who can broadcast any important news, funny story, or big event to his or her or global communities. Users use this platform to post, upvote, and comment on events at any level of granularity, so that the community gets to decide which information is most relevant and important.


来自创业企业的你, 我们在MIT-CHIEF Demo Day等待你的出现

著名作家Malcolm Gladwell把创业者形容为神话故事里打败巨人歌利亚的牧羊少年大卫:“世界上有许多有价值的事物都起源于起初一边倒的冲突,因为在看似不可能的情形下行动起来,最终创造了许多伟大与美”。在MIT-CHIEF, 这个以麻省理工学院为基地,致力于让中美之间最优秀的创业企业家,社会创新者与投资人相连接并构建我们的创业创新生态圈的组织,我们相信每一个禀赋创新精神的创业者,都有能力从一个想法出发,行动起来改变自己,他人和世界。他们需要的是,一个宽广的舞台。

2014 MIT-CHIEF Demo Day ( 麻省理工学院中国创新与创业论坛初创企业展示日),就是这样一个舞台。去年我们邀请了10支来自不同行业的创业团队,从能源,移动医疗,设计,尖端材料到大数据分析等,还有知名的风险投资公司如纽约的RRE Ventures, 波士顿的General Catalyst Partners, Puretech Ventures,北京的联想种子投资基金等等 (去年活动单页。我们看到过去一年移动互联网和智能硬件领域风起云涌,所以今年Demo Day的主题是“ Hardware vs Software 硬件遇上软件”,我们会精心挑选4支来自硬件和4支来自软件(包括互联网相关)领域的团队,另外有两支其他行业的团队,总共10个初创企业,在大约20位投资人和200多名观众面前展示他们的技术和服务。

我们已经发出邀请的风险投资公司有Intel Capital, GE Ventures, Bain Capital Ventures, Grishin Robotics, ZhenFund和麻省理工学院,哈佛商学院的教授等等。不过最重要的还是找到那个来自创业企业的你,我们热爱与创业者交流并且帮助他们实现自己的事业,因为我们也是跟你一样的创业者和年轻人,每一个登上我们舞台的团队除了会受到我们投资人额外的青睐和我们提供的礼物,还会享有MIT-CHIEF网络内一切对创业者有帮助的人脉和项目资源,比如创业导师计划,投资人推荐,中国行,MIT-CHIEF年度论坛,创业大赛等等。有别于我们的创业大赛,Demo Day对创业团队的要求是,高质量的相对成熟并且可以投资的公司。

无论你身在上海,纽约,深圳,洛杉矶,北京,波士顿,或是世界上任何一个地方,只要你正在努力的创造着你们的startup, 请找到我们, 并且填写这个报名表:, 并惠存以下信息:Demo Day 时间:2014年4月5日,周六,中午12点到下午5点,地点:MIT 34-101, 报名截止时间:2014年3月20日。如有其他问题,请发送邮件给Demo Day负责人范阳。

最后分享一句Peter Thiel的话与大家:You are not a lottery ticket, your creation will be a gift to the world. 你不是一张彩票,你的创造将会是带给这个世界最好的礼物。我们期待与你相见!

MIT-China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum (MIT-CHIEF)