

乐桃文博士转发了一封通告友人的电邮:“周六(5月17日)的早上,大田豆品的老板何奋金博士很不幸地被火车撞了,当时他和朋友林左军在VF Park摄影,没看到和听到火车过来,两人都遇难了。他本人多才多艺,一直给中文学校很多的支持,我们痛失了两个朋友!”


何奋金、林左军的追悼会将于5月25日下午2-4点举行,地点是: Valley Forge Park。朋友们如果有两人的照片,请发送到:517memorial@gmail.com。


Two men have died after being hit by a freight train traveling through King of Prussia on Saturday morning.

The men were walking along the tracks near the defunct Port Kennedy Station along the 1000 block of Station Lane in King of Prussia, Pa. when they were hit, Upper Merion Police tell NBC10.com. The train line is owned by Norfolk Southern.

The 36 car train carrying 4,544 tons of freight was heading westbound on the track for Chicago, Ill. from Morrisville, Pa., Norfolk Southern Police told NBC10.com. The three crew members on board the train were not hurt.

Officials say they’re not sure how fast the train was traveling, but that the speed limit for that stretch of track is 50 mph.

Police say the men, whose names and ages they have yet to release, did not survive. The Montgomery County Medical Examiner is at the scene investigating alongside police.