
【华中科大新闻网讯】5月21日,美国校友发来喜讯,华科校友傅天雄博士因对科技领域的突出贡献及对社会的积极影响,被授予2014年度全美亚裔最佳工程师奖(AAEOY, Asian American Engineer of the Year)。今年一共有20位杰出亚裔工程师获此殊荣。

AAEOY由美国国家工程师周基金会(National Engineers Week Foundation)委托美洲中国工程师学会(CIE)这一美国历史最悠久的亚裔科技社团主办,该学会由著名爱国工程师詹天佑等人创立于1917年,在全美设旧金山分会等7个分会。


傅天雄,湖北鄂州人,1980年进入原华中工学院机械工程一系机械制造专业802班就读,1984年本科毕业后师从熊有伦院士攻读硕士学位,毕业后曾留校任教,后去美国新泽西理工学院留学并获机械工程博士学位。毕业后,他一直从事CAD软件研发工作。现定居洛杉矶并供职于西门子产品生命周期管理软件公司,任NX/CAD核心建模技术开发部高级经理。他领导着一批由博士和硕士组成的开发团队,负责核心架构设计和应用开发。他负责规划开发方向和目标,指导项目研究、软件设计与实施、管理与协调项目进展、检核研发结果,以确保NX/CAD 建模功能的世界领先地位。NX是目前世界上三大先进高端CAD/CAM/CAE软件之一, 广泛用于汽车,航空航天,及其它家用机电产品制造行业并处于领先地位。傅天雄博士领导着NX软件一个最核心部门,他和他的开发团队十几年来为全球用户完成许多先进的建模功能和性能,为NX软件的世界领先地位作出了杰出的贡献。



Tim Fu leads the Siemens PLM MCAD NX Part Modeling Core software development team, a group of 18 engineers responsible for the core architecture of the NX Part Modeling application. Tim has worked for Siemens PLM developing and leading the development of NX/Unigraphics software for the past 15 years and has worked in CAD for an additional 3 years. He earned a B.S. and an M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). He earned a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT).

Tim Fu directs the development of architectural and core enhancements to the NX Part Modeling with each NX version release, the latest being NX V9. This involves directing research and experimentation, defining the need for software prototypes, and reviewing designs, algorithms and testing results to ensure state of the art efficient and effective modeling enhancements. Enhancements for NX 9 under Tim Fu’s direction and guidance include:

• WAVE – Group Body Selection Intent: Allow the user of the NX Wave Geometry Linker to select multiple bodies (not just single bodies) when collecting geometry.
• Sketch Dimensions: Enhance the creation and editing of NX sketch dimensions while making sketch dimension functionality consistent with NX Drafting and NX PMI dimension functionality.
• Publish: Provide NX a publication concept which provides a level of indirection between the source object and the linked object – a public object.
• Delay and Update: Implement intra-module delay and update controls to reduce update times with part modules.
• 2D Layout Support: This project is to support the 2D layout requirements from the Drafting team.
• Sketch Rigid Set: Add Rigid Set constraint to the NX sketch tool box.
• Featureless Sketch Architecture: This project is to support featureless sketches for NX Drafting workflows.

These projects were successfully completed with high quality, improving both NX functionality and performance for NX CAD users.

Volunteer contribution
1. Founded the Math Club at Landell Elementary School in 2009 and acted as the Advisor and Coach for the math competition program for two years. The program continues today.
2. Founded the Mathcounts Program (part of the STEM program) at Oxford Academy in 2011 and has been acting as the Advisor.
3. Founded the HUST (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Alumni Association of Southern California in 2002. It has grown up to 371 members as of today. There are engineering related activities.
4. Acted as the President of Hubei Association from 2010 to 2012.