CPA Director of Programs Mark Liu Joins Neighborhood Housing Trust

Boston, August 14, 2015, — Mark Liu, Director of Programs and Operations at the Chinese Progressive Association, was selected by Mayor Walsh to join the Neighborhood Housing Trust Fund and sworn in today at Boston City Hall. Liu was born in the South End and now lives in Brighton.

Liu attended the Josiah Quincy School in Chinatown, and was a member of the Knights Athletic Club, the Coalition for Asian and Pacific American Youth, and the Chinese Youth Initiative before joining CPA’s staff. Liu currently serves on the City of Boston Climate Action Plan Steering Committee, the Impact Advisory Group for the AC Hotel at Ink Block, and The Chinatown Coalition Executive Committee.

The Neighborhood Housing Trust Fund, which is responsible for committing linkage funds from development to create or preserve affordable housing, has seven members: City Councilor Frank Baker, Mossik Hacobian, Catherine Hardaway, Vivian Leo in an ex officio capacity, Mark Liu, Nicholas McDonald, and Kimberly Thai.