2016 New Year Notes from Acton Chinese Language School

Dear ACLS Families and Friends,

One of Acton Town’s Selectmen, Franny Osman had come to our school last Sunday and kindly shared some of the useful information regarding Acton Senior Center as well as VAN/Bus services Acton provided for transportation around the town. If you are over sixty, or have senior people living with you or know that someone would benefit from the senior services that Acton town has provided, please take a look at the information below regarding Senior Center and VAN services.

ACLS teachers celebrated Thanksgiving with a fashion show (file photo).

For translation of the information in Chinese, please see enclosed attachment.

Senior Center: The Senior Center, located on 50 Audubon Drive is run by the Council on Aging to provide programs and services to Acton residents 60 and over as well as information and referrals for residents of any age with concerns about aging relatives, neighbors and friends.  The COA provides health and wellness programs, exercise classes, consultations about health insurance, legal issues, fuel assistance and caregiver issues. The COA also organizes activities and programs to help seniors stay intellectually engaged and socially connected, such as lifelong learning programs, computer instruction, art classes and special luncheons. See enclosed Q & A document for additional information.

Minuteman Lunches are served M-F at 11:45, which are open to all residents who live in communities served by Minuteman. Please sign up with Joy in the Dining Room (978-263-5053) for the Birthday Lunch (Wednesday, January 13th, 11:45, Voluntary donation is $2). Birthday Lunch is free to those celebrating a birthday each month courtesy of the Friends of the COA.

Here is the link to the January newsletter: http://www.actoncoa.com/DocumentCenter/View/246

Transportation (VAN and Bus Services): Currently there are couple different types of transportation. The new CAT bus just started recently.To read about the different transportation services in Acton, please use link www.minutevan.net. There are on-demand vans you can arrange by telephone call or online: Council on Aging (COA) van, Road Runner, and MinuteVan). There are two fixed routes, now: The Rail Shuttle and the CAT Bus. Here is the link to the CAT bus schedule:  http://www.minutevan.net/Portals/47/Acton_Fixed_Route_Schedule_with_Map_12_10_15.pdf

If anyone needs assistance for transportation but cannot speak English, Franny provided a contact, Sun Weiyuan, to be called at 978-929-6632. Weiyuan can help contact the on-demand vans which all can take people door to door to the Senior Center. If the CAT bus route is within your walking distance, it can also take you to the Senior Center.

Two Coming Events:

  • This coming Wednesday, Jan. 13, 7 pm, Acton Town Hall (472 Main St. Acton, MA), Senior Center Forum, the senior people are invited to learn about the proposal for a new Senior Center and to share your opinions about the center. (If someone wants to come and doesn’t have a ride, Please contact Fanny at frannyola@gmail.com or 978-621-7330. She will help find a ride.)
  • Friday, Jan. 29, 10:30 am, Acton Town Hall, Ribbon-Cutting event for the new CAT bus.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.


Min Zhang and Xiangdong Xu
Principals of ACLS