By Xinming Li,
Boston, May 4, 2016, — The first-ever World Taichi and Qigong Day event was successfully held in Harvard Yard on April 30. Over 60 people joined the event led by Anlin Wang, World Champion in Taichi.
Mr. Anling Wang led partipates at World Taichi and Qigong Day event in Harvard Yead.
The special location was held in the open area in front of Dudley House (Lehman Hall) in Harvard Yard. The event was open to everyone general public, including beginners and anyone interested in learning about Taichi. State Senator Rady Mom joined the event, and brought a citation from State Senator congratulation the World Taichi and Qigong Day event. He thanked Mr. Anlin Wang for promoting and teaching Taichi and Qigong in the greater Boston area.
World Taichi and Qigong Day is a global event held annually in over 100 cities in more than 80 nations. This event has educated millions around the planet about Tai Chi & Qigong’s benefits, how to find local classes, how to get the most from those classes. The organizers at consult health care, corporate, government and educational institutions about integrating these health tools into society at all levels.
For local Taiji classes, please email: You can also visit the website of Harvard GSAS Anlin Taichi Wudao Association.