Governor Patrick To Visit Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center on May 15

By Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center(BCNC)

Governor Deval Patrick will visit BCNC on Tuesday evening, May 15 in celebration of Asian American Heritage Month. BCNC will host a conversation with the Governor at the Center. He will speak with and listen to the community, fielding questions and hearing concerns in an open forum.

This event marks another push that BCNC has made to promote civic engagement with the Asian immigrant and Asian American community. As the largest Asian social service
provider in New England, BCNC recognizes the important of mobilizing the Asian American and immigrant populations to voice their opinions. In 2011, BCNC’s immigrant parents participated in a city-wide coalition, Boston United for Students Coalition, advocating for their children amidst a Boston Public School and Boston Teacher Union negotiation. With its Parent University program, BCNC has become a rallying point for non-English speaking, low-income parents of increasing parent involvement. Last year, BCNC was also selected by the Fish Family Foundation to be part of The Greater Boston Citizenship Initiative to promote and support eligible legal residents to become naturalized citizens.

Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, Inc (BCNC) was founded in 1969 by neighborhood residents. For over 40 years, BCNC has served as the vital link to the Asian American community throughout Greater Boston, providing support and resources to ease their integration into American society. BCNC offers exemplary services to over 2,000 people each year, strengthening families and building communities. We are acknowledged as the largest Asian social service provider in New England, and our programs include: Acorn Center for Early Education and Care, Adult Education, Arts & Enrichment, Family Child Care, Family Services, Youth Center, Recreation and Fitness and Red Oak After School Program.

Detailed time and location of Governor Deval’s visit to BCNC is below.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, 38 Ash Street, Boston, MA 02111 (US).