2012 Acton Chinese Music Night – Beautiful Music and Dance That Will Take Your Breath Away

Please mark your calendar for Sunday, Dec. 2, 2012. From 6:30-8:30 p.m., the grand “2012 Acton Chinese Music Night” will proudly be presented to you jointly by the Acton Chinese Language School (ACLS), the Angel Dance Company, the Town of Acton Recreation Department, and the Acton-Boxborough Cultural Council. It will be held at the Acton-Boxborough Regional High School (ABRHS) auditorium at 36 Charter Road, Acton, Mass.

Waltham group of Angels Dance Company performing “Flute language” at 2012 Chinese New Year show on Feb. 19. (John Tsou photo)

ACLS had previously hosted three wonderful “Acton Chinese Music Night” events in 2006, 2007, and 2009, respectively. Those high-quality professional performances have left profound impressions on audiences and had a great impact on local communities and neighboring towns.

This year the Angel Dance Company is invited to perform a feature presentation of its outstanding dance and music celebration in the themes of “Ancient Grace of the Dragon Heritage” (龙族古韵), “Brilliant Colors of the Minority Regions” (姹紫嫣红), “A Song Dedicated to you” (为你而歌).

Directed by Keke, founder of the Angel Dance Company, and highlighted by the guest artists, Guzheng (Chinese zither) musician Hui Weng and award-winning dancer Yifeng Liu, over 100 local dancers from the Angel Dance Company and Angel Dance School will present to you Ancient Chinese cultural elements through modern dance and music performances and transform you to a colorful dreamland of Chinese ethnic groups. This fantastic performance was a huge success when Angel Dance Company performed at John Hancock this April. You will surely be indulged in an unforgettable night of enchantment of Chinese performance art in Acton on Dec. 2.

For your convenience, you can buy tickets online at www.acls-ma.org/online_buy.php or in-person. Please refer to tickets sale for locations and time. Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 for seniors and students (K to 12th grade). Seats at the auditorium are limited; we encourage you to purchase your tickets as early as possible.

Please invite your friends, relatives, coworkers, and neighbors to join the fun!
Thank you for supporting our event! We are looking forward to seeing you soon!

其它售票处 Tickets sale locations
Acton Chinese Language School
Nov. 11, Nov. 18 2:15-4:45pm
16 Charter Rd, Acton 01720

Acton School of Ballet
3 Spruce Street, Acton 01720

Good School Realty
124 Main Street, Acton 01720

Chinese Martial Arts Division of Athletic Balance. LLC
32 Nagog Park, Acton 01720

网上购买 On-line tickets sale

“2012 Acton Chinese Music Night” Program 节目单 12/2/2012

Act I
开场舞《盛世欢歌》 Opening: Joyous Celebration in the Golden Age
第一篇《龙族古韵》 Chapter 1: Ancient Grace of the Dragon Heritage
琴 《月引霓裳》 Harp – The Seduction of the Moonlight
棋 《对弈》 Chess – A Game of Go
书 《春晓》 Calligraphy – A Poetic Early Spring
古筝独奏 Guzheng Solo 墨客 – A Man of Letters
画 《山水映梦》 Painting – Fantasy of the Alluring Scenery
琵琶独奏 《十面埋伏 》 Pi Pa Solo – House of Flying Daggers
《岁寒三友》 Three Friends of Winter:
《松》 Pine – Symbol of Nobility and Venerability
《竹》 Bamboo – Symbol of Strength and Longevity
《梅》 Plum – Symbol of Courage and Hope

Intermission 中场休息

Act II
第二篇《姹紫嫣红》 Chapter 2: Brilliant Colors of the Minority Regions
蒙古族舞蹈《敖包相会》 Mongolian Dance: Meet in the Yurt
维族舞蹈 《花儿为什么这样红》 Uyghur Dance: Why Are Flowers So Red
藏族舞蹈《美丽的卓玛》 Tibetan Dance: Beautiful Zuoma
傣族舞蹈《碧波孔雀》 Dai Dance: Dazzling Green Peacock

第三篇《为你而歌》 Chapter 3: A Song Dedicated to You
现代中国舞《那时花开》 odern Dance: Flower Blossom
现代中国舞《我相信》 Modern Dance: I believe
现代中国舞《最绚中国风》 Modern Dance: Fantasy Chinese Wave
钢琴独奏 《星空》Piano Solo: Starry Night
结尾舞《舞彩缤纷 – 星光灿烂》 Finale: Colorful Dance – Bright Stars

12月2日 (星期日) 晚6:30-8:30,艾克顿中文学校, 天使舞蹈表演艺术团, 艾克顿镇文娱委员会, 以及艾克顿-博思宝路文化委员会将联合举办第4届《艾克顿中华音乐舞蹈之夜》的演出活动。此场演出以龙族古韵、琴棋书画为主题, 舞蹈编排和服装设计独具匠心,是一场用现代化的艺术手段表现中国古典和民族舞蹈风情的精彩演绎。

演出由天使舞团创办者克克担任艺术指导,100多名舞蹈演员们和旅美古筝演奏家翁慧、舞蹈家刘沂峰同台献艺。这台节目(龙族古韵) 今年四月在John Hancock上演时轰动了波士顿华人社区。这次在艾克顿的演出更加精炼并加入了新近排练的舞蹈, 我们期待着和您共渡一个美仑美奂难忘的中华舞蹈音乐艺术之夜。

演出的地点在艾克顿-博思宝路高中礼堂 (36 Charter Rd, Acton, MA 01720),票价为$15/成人、$10/学生及老人。