NECINA Global Exchange & Entrepreneurship Conference — Suzhou Industrial Park and VC/PE Delegation Info Session on May 11

2013 NECINA Global Exchange & Entrepreneurship Conference: 
Suzhou Industrial Park and VC/PE Delegation Info Session 


Date: May 11, 2013
 Time: 9:30am-4:00pm
        Location: KPMG, 60 South Street, Boston, MA 02111
Admission: Free  RSVP is Required, Please register here

Co-hosting with Suzhou Industrial Park Venture Capital Community, NECINA sincerely presents to you 2013 Global Exchange & Entrepreneurship Conference on Saturday, May 11, 2013. Founded on July, 2011, the Venture Capital Community in Suzhou Industrial Park is the only investment group in China which targets to provide comprehensive services including capital, talents and industrial resources to the “The Recruitment Program of Global Youth Experts”. For more information please visit

今年5月11,”千人计划”创投中心在苏州工业园区东沙湖股权投资中心将与国内知名基金管理人赴美举办人才资本交流活动,推广千人计划及千人计划创投中心,启动第二届千人计划创业大赛。藉此建立与海外高层次人才交流沟通渠道,助推更多的海外高层次人才归国(来华)实现创业梦想。2011 年7 月,经中央人才工作协调小组批准, 国内唯一服务于千人计划的综合性投融资服务平台—“千人计划”创投中心在苏州工业园区东沙湖股权投资中心正式挂牌成立。中心致力于汇聚国内外优秀的创投资源,为海外高层次人才归国(来华)创业提供资本、人才、产业资源等全方位的支持,助推创业企业成长。 (详情请参阅。

In this conference, you will:

  • Learn from the Suzhou Industrial Park delegation and a group of distinguished VC/PEs about the insights on the latest policy inChina.   向苏州工业园代表团和投资团了解最新中国投资政策和动向。
  • Learn about the resources from the Suzhou Industrial Park and their strategies to attract talents with entrepreneurship and innovation.   了解苏州工业园招才引智的政策和提供的资源。
  • Have close conversation with the guests over the networking sessions, bulid up personal connections and create value for the mutual benefit in the future.   与嘉宾近距离接触,建立联系,寻求合作机会。
  • Demonstrate unique skill match and get job opportunity through this window. 展示特殊才能,获得工作机会。
  • Get inspired by NECINA’s demo exhibitions where entrepreneurs showcase their products and creativity.   参观NECINA科技展,获得创业源动力与创新思考。


9:30-10:00am Registration 注册
10:00-12:00pm Information Session of Suzhou Industrial Park and the Thousand Talents Plan 推介会
12:00-2:00pm Lunch Networking and Connection / Showcase and Demo Exhibition 午饭及社交时段
2:00-4:00pm Project Team Pitch(Invitation Only) 创业团队展示


VC/PE Partners 



机构名称(VC/PE FIRM) 姓名(NAME) 职务(TITTLE)
元禾控股 Oriza Holdings 林向红 (Xianghong Lin) 董事长、总裁 Chairman & CEO
元禾资本 Oriza Holdings 徐清 (Qing Xu) 执行合伙人 Executive Partner
中新创投 Zhongxin Venture 董秋明 (Qiuming Dong) 副总经理 Associate GM
凯风创投 Kaifeng Venture 黄昕 (Xin Huang) 合伙人 Partner
融达科贷 产炳林 (Binglin Chan) 总经理 General Manager
沙湖金融 Shahu Financial Group 刘豫莎 (Yusha Liu) 部门经理 Manager
纪源资本(GGV Capital) 符绩勋(Jixun Foo) 合伙人Partner
纪源资本(GGV Capital) 金炯(Jessie Jin) 合伙人Partner
软银中国(SBCVC) 宋安澜(Alan Song) 管理合伙人Managing Partner
易联资本(Eastern Link Capital) 侯玉东(Yudong Hou) 董事总经理Managing Director
易联资本(Eastern Link Capital) 刘海斌(Haibin Liu) 董事总经理Managing Director
名信基金(Mingxin China Growth Fund) 徐立新(David Xu) 管理合伙人Managing Partner
金沙江创投(GSR Ventures) 潘晓峰 (Alex Pan) 董事总经理Managing Director


Startup Demo Day and Investor Pitch Event
Demo Session: 12-2pm (Open to Public)
Pitch Session: 2-4pm  (Close-door)

Pitch/Demo Teams


Enterprise Storage System
Social scheduling, and recommendation engine
Cloud-based photo solution
Mobile platform for vehicle diagnostics
Intelligent Taxi Solution
Clean Tech Solution
Academic search/share platform
Sensible Baby
Sensor-based technology for baby monitoring
Kai Backup (凯备份)
Cloud-based auto backup
Flask Design
Hardware Design
HistoWiz Inc.
Tissue samples and scans slides for cancer researchers
Startup community on a ship in
international waters


For more information please contact or