Announcements from New Bostonians Office on June 11, 2013

June 11, 2013 Announcements

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Enclosed are this week announcements for your sharing with your networks. Please forward any of your announcements to and we will be happy to post them on.

All the best,
Reverend Cheng Imm Tan


2013 Summer Brochure

Dear Friends:
Welcome to another beautiful summer here in Boston. Our city is host to a vibrant blend of arts and culture that is refl ected in the many free events listed in this brochure. Boston’s arts scene is second to none. This year we welcome new events such as Boston Calling and Outside the Box Festival and look forward to the return of ever popular events such as Boston Globe/WGBH Summer Arts Weekend and the Boston Arts Festival.

I want to thank the many sponsors, cultural organizations, and volunteers that have made these events possible. Now, more than ever, we need these occasions to celebrate what is best about our City.

I hope you will join us.

Thomas M. Menino
Mayor of Boston

Follow @summerboston for continuous updatesabout all the fun summer activities for the whole family to enjoy here in Boston.



The Honorable Thomas M. Menino
Mayor of Boston
Members of the Boston School Committee
Superintendent Carol R. Johnson Boston Public Schools
George Papagiannis External Relations, US, UNESCO

Request the pleasure of your company at a special viewing of a photographic exhibition:
“Journeys to School” is a unique photo essay that chronicles the remarkable resilience of children in 17 countries making their
daily journeys to school.
Monday, June 17, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. at Boston City Hall
Featuring Boston’s Carter School and Principal Marianne Kopaczynski

RSVP to Peggy Maher
Email: | Phone: 240-485-2105

Immigration Advice
(2013 Schedule)
June     19
Room 804 in Boston City Hall
12:00 (noon) – 2:00 PM
For more information, please call 617-635-2980.



FREE puppet making and storytelling
We will tell stories, use different materials to create puppets, and together use those puppets to perform our stories.
• For children ages 4-5 years old and their caregivers.
• 5 week workshop series: June 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29th, 10am-12pm
• BCYF Paris Street Community Center 112 Paris Street, East Boston
• Snacks will be provided.
To register, contact Hagar:
Funded by Thrive in Five.


It Takes a Village: Suicide Prevention & Resilience Among New Bostonians

Go to for more information and registration.

Please share with your contacts.
Date: June 14th, 2013
Time: 8:30am-4:00pm
Federal Reserve Plaza
600 Atlantic Avenue
Boston, MA 02210

Alison T. Brill, MPH
Community Suicide Prevention Coordinator
Massachusetts Department of Public Health
250 Washington Street, 4th Floor
Boston, MA 02108
(p) 617-624-5299 (f) 617-624-5075



Serving the Immigrant Community since 1987
1 Ballard Way
Lawrence, MA 01843
Phone: 978.683.7316
Fax: 978.683.9075
Job Posting – 5/31/2103
Seasonal Experienced Art or Elementary School Teacher

All interested applicants should submit their resumes to Betsy Leeman, Executive Director via email ( or mail to Asian Center of Merrimack Valley, 1 Ballard Way, Lawrence, MA 01843 by June 14th. Interviews will take place by June 21st. Preference will be given to Lawrence residents.

Quincy Asian Resources, Inc.
Position: Adult Education Director
Reports to: Executive Director
Status: Full time

Quincy Asian Resources, Inc. (QARI) seeks a Director of Adult Education with experience administering ESOL Programs that are both fee based and funded through the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) as well as a Learn (English) at Work program. The Director of Adult Education reports to the Executive Director and has overall responsibility for all aspects of a variety of Adult Education programs.

QARI is a not-for-profit organization based in Quincy, MA whose mission is to foster and improve the social, cultural, economic and civic lives of Asian Americans and their families to benefit Quincy and its neighboring communities. Through collaborations and partnerships, we provide culturally competent services including adult education programs, youth development, and cultural events as well as information and referrals to public and other community organizations.

Adult Education Director Responsibilities:
.             Plan, organize and supervise all aspects of the Adult
Education program
.             Develop marketing plan for student outreach and provide an efficient intake system to enroll new students
.             Responsible for intake process for all applicants to ESOL classes, including initial interview and assessment; coordinate with teachers and program director to ensure appropriate placement into classes .
Oversee the development and implementation of required curriculum
.             Administer assessments (Best Plus, TABE) to students according to program schedule; communicate with teachers and program director about student progress
.             Recruit, train and support Volunteer tutors
.             Recruit, supervise and evaluate ESOL staff and assist in supervising front desk staff as relates to ESOL programs
.             Hold monthly staff meetings, prepare agendas and record minutes
.             Assist in supervising QARI front desk staff as relates to the Adult Ed program
.             Implement the grant requirements, oversee data management and report to funders including DESE
.             Maintain wait lists, monitor enrollment and place new students as classroom slots become available
.             Maintain records of student attendance, achievement progress and goal attainment
.             Administrative responsibilities

.             Minimum three years’ experience in teaching ESOL and knowledge of second language acquisition
.             Knowledge of/Familiarity with DESE guidelines, requirements and expectations
.             Demonstrated strong organizational and administrative skills comparable to running a DESE funded ABE program
.             Experience with assessments
.             Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work closely with members of a diverse team as well as with providers at other agencies
.             Demonstrated ability to work with ethnically diverse groups of
English learners
.             Ability to work evenings
.             Bachelor’s degree in relevant field required, MA preferred

Please submit resume electronically to June 6th to be considered.

John Brothers
Executive Director
Quincy Asian Resources Inc.
1509 Hancock Street, #209
Quincy, MA 02169

(617 472-2200
(617) 472-2299


Asian American Civic Association
87 Tyler Street
Boston, MA  02111
Building Maintenance Training Program

*Age 18+                                                         
*Legal work authorization                 
*Low-moderate income                        
*Motivated to find a job after completing the program

Students will learn:
*Appliance repair
*Energy efficiency
*Job readiness

Class Schedule:
July 1- Dec.13, 2013, Monday-Friday
July-August: 9am-1pm
Sept.-Dec.:  3:30pm-7:30pm

Cost: Free for qualified candidates

How to register:
Attend our walk-in Information and Testing Session
EVERY Tuesday at 2pm

We help our students find jobs after they graduate!
Address: 87 Tyler St. 5F, Boston, MA 02111 (near Tufts Medical Center)
Please Contact: Rochelle Silva Tel:617-426-9492 *227
Visit our website:


NOAH’s Community Garden
If you are interested to have a parcel in a Community Garden, this is your opportunity!
NOAH is transforming Our Garden (in front of the Umana School, Border Street) into Community Garden.
Any person interested to have a small parcel for a garden, please come to NOAH to fill the application,
Or call Yesica Guerra at 617-418-8243  or email at

English Class  – Intermediate level  9am – 12pm
Citizenship Class – 12:30 – 2:30pm

Please call or come to NOAH to register.

Manlio Méndez
Community Organizer
143 Border Street,
East Boston, MA 02128
617-567-5882 x 242  –  617-418-8242

Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center will be having a naturalization clinic Saturday June 22nd.  During the clinic, we educate Permanent Residents on the citizenship process, assist them in filling out the application including fee waiver assistance (if they are eligible), and refer them to free legal assistance.  We offer services to any potential applicant regardless of their country of origin and language spoken, however applicants must be able to speak basic English in order to pass the naturalization exam and interview. 

If someone is interested in more information or has questions about citizenship would like to register for our clinic they can contact myself (Krista) at 617-635-5129 x 1088 or by email  All applicants MUST PRE-REGISTER to attend the clinic.
Krista Senden
Civic Engagement Coordinator
Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, Inc.
617-635-5129 x1088 • 38 Ash St. Boston, MA  02111 •



New Testing Dates and Times at AACA
Asian American Civic Association offers free job training programs in Automotive Technology; Careers in Banking and Finance and Building Maintenance as well as a Transitional English Program

Due to great response, we are separating the job training program testing and our Transitional English Program testing

Our new testing times are as follows:

Job Training Programs: Every Tuesday at 2pm

Next Step Transitional English Program on Mondays at 8:30am on the following dates:

6/17, 6/24, 7/01, 7/15, 7/22, 7/29, 8/5, 8/19, 8/26,9/16, 9/23, 9/30, 10/21, 10/28, 11/4, 11/25, 12/2, 12/16, 12/23, 12/30
Asian American Civic Association
87 Tyler Street
Boston, MA 02111

The Asian American Civic Association (AACA) provides limited English speaking and economically disadvantaged people with education, occupational training and social services enabling them to realize lasting economic self-sufficiency.

Full-time Position Available:  Recruitment Coordinator. The Recruitment Coordinator is responsible for initial assessment and intake for AACA’s education and training programs, and assisting with outreach when necessary

Primary Duties and Responsibilities:
•         Coordinate assessment and selection processes for job training and ESL programs (with staff of each program), including conducting weekly information and testing sessions, scheduling applicant interviews, making referrals for applicants not admitted to the program, informing applicants of acceptance decision, and coordinating funding process
•         Address applicant questions regarding programs, applications, and funding
•         Prepare clients to apply for Individual Training Account (ITA) vouchers when appropriate; Manage relationships with One-Stop Career Center counselors for attainment of ITA vouchers
•         Oversee funding process for non-ITA grant funds, including collecting and verifying eligibility documentation
•         Complete section 30 forms, liaison with the Department of Unemployment Assistance
•         Maintain client and program information in AACA’s in-house database and other databases
•         Assist Outreach Coordinator with outreach activities as necessary
•         Actively participate in agency-wide activities
•         Participate in fundraising activities for agency
•         Other duties as assigned

• Bachelor’s degree preferred
• Bilingual in English and Chinese (Mandarin and/or Cantonese) strongly preferred
• Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously, highly organized and detail-oriented
• Highly proficient in data entry and management
• Strength at building and maintaining relationships
• Excellent communication skills, oral and written; Dynamic presenter
• Familiarity with standardized literacy tests (i.e. TABE) preferred
• Interest in AACA’s mission of helping limited English speaking and economically disadvantaged people gain economic self-sufficiency

Salary: Commensurate with experience.  Full benefit package included.

To apply, send resume and cover letter to:

HR Department
Asian American Civic Association
87 Tyler Street, 5th floor
Boston,  MA 02111


Asian American Civic Association
Part-Time ESOL Teacher – Job Description

Teach one 2-hour class, Tuesdays through Fridays, 8:30 – 10:30 AM, for immigrant adults. Cycles are 12 weeks long.  Start date-July 2, 2013.  This is Level 3 of a 5-level basic ESOL program.  Level 3 is the transitional level where students learn only in English.  (Level 1 and Level 2 are taught bilingually in Chinese and English.)
Contribute to ongoing curriculum development at appropriate level.
Survey students’ expectation/goals at the beginning of each new cycle and develop appropriate curriculum.
Administer regular, ongoing in-class assessments, including (but not limited to) a mid-term exam and final exam.
Make teacher’s/program’s expectations clear to students at the beginning of each new cycle.
Communicate classroom/student issues to Director of Education in a timely manner
Help students understand the agency’s educational pathway as well another services available to them at agency’s Multi-Service Center.


Administer/score placement tests before each new cycle.
Place orders for textbooks at the beginning of each new cycle.
Keep daily student attendance records.
Maintain up-to-date student information (dropout, completion, etc.) in agency database each month.
Attend regular team meetings and monthly all-staff meetings.
Prepare certificates at the end of each cycle for all students completing your class.


Master’s degree in education, TESOL, applied linguistics or related field strongly preferred.  Recent college graduates with M.A. or B.A. encouraged to apply.
Teaching or tutoring experience with immigrant adult learners required.
Native speaker of English strongly preferred.  Fluency in Chinese is a plus, but not required.

Salary range:  $18/hour (for 8 hours teaching and 4 hours prep per week, plus an additional 6 hours per MONTH for meetings and assessments—all paid time).
No benefits.

Email resume to:

Kristan Fitah
ESOL Program Manager
Asian American Civic Assn.
87 Tyler St., 5th fl.
Boston, MA 02111
617-426-9492 ext. 214
FAX 617-482-2316
(email)  (click on Education & Training)






Intermediate level ESL

11 – 12:30

Central Square Library
45 Pearl Street
(5 minute walk from Red Line Central Square stop)

Drop in. No registration required.

Note: the class will stop in July and August and resume in September.

Literacy Coordinator
Cambridge Public Library
45 Pearl Street
Cambridge MA 02139

Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, Inc. (BCNC) is still accepting applications for weekday evening ESOL classes beginning this August:

FOUNDATIONS OF SUCCESS classes, levels 1,2,3
(Beginner – High-Beginner English)
Students learn basic survival English for use in daily life — speaking, listening, writing, and reading. 

PATHWAYS TO SUCCESS Career Readiness class
(Intermediate – Advanced English)
Students prepare for English-speaking workplaces and/or job training programs.

Program Year:  Beginning of Aug 2013 – end of June 2014

Class times: Tues, Wed, Thurs evening, 6:00pm-9:00pm
(Additional evening classes available at same times in Quincy, MA)

Cost: FREE

Location: 38 Ash Street, Boston, MA 20111 (in Chinatown, next to Tufts Medical Center)

How to register: Applicants must come to BCNC in person to take a writing test between 9am and 6pm, Mon-Fri. Qualified applicants will be called for an in-person interview. Applicants for the Pathways to Success class will have additional testing.

Limited seats are available, so please register now.

If you have any questions or would like to request our brochures, please feel free to contact me via phone or email. Thank you!

Fred Bennett
Evening Program Coordinator / Advisor, Adult Education
Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, Inc.
617-635-5129 x1029 • 38 Ash St. Boston, MA  02111 •

NEW TRANSITION TO COLLEGE AND CAREERS program at the YMCA International Learning Center.

This is a 24-week intensive program for advanced ESL students who have a goal of entering skills training, a certificate program or college.

July 1- December 20, 2013
Monday- Friday from 8:30am- 2:00pm (Evening option may be available based on student interest)
Academic coaching is provided.

Course curriculum includes:
•         Advanced ESOL with a focus on grammar and writing
•         Math and technology
•         Personal readiness for college

The program is FREE to those who qualify.

•         Legal resident of U.S.
•         High school diploma or GED
•         Advanced level of English (SPL 6)
•         Have goal of skills training or college
•         18 years or older

For more information please contact Sarah Jefferson, Transition to College and Careers Coordinator, at 617-927-8234 or

Sarah Jefferson
Program Coordinator, Transition to College and Careers
YMCA International Learning Center
3 Center Plaza, Suite 901
Boston, MA 02108
(617) 927-8234
Visit us online at



Next STEP Transitional English Program
Free English classes for immigrant adults!
Sept. 10 – Dec. 20, 2013
Tuesday through  Friday (4 days/week)
Contact Rochelle Silva at 617-426-9492 ext. 227

Richard Goldberg
Director of Education
Asian American Civic Association
87 Tyler Street, 5th Floor
Boston, MA 02111
617-426-9492 ext. 223

The VA Boston Healthcare System, Pine Street Inn, Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates will be at JobNet for a Health and Human Services Industry Briefing on June 21st.  Please share the attachment with job seekers.

Ed Crognalo
Business Service Manager
617-338-0809 x 2736
Fax 617-338-2050

Come for a Discussion of The Round House by Louise Erdich at the East Boston branch of the Boston Public Library
Monday July 15th at 6:00pm
Winner of the National Book Award for fiction, this is a story about a boy growing up in the wake of a racially motivated attack on his Native American mother in North Dakota.

Please call or come in to the library to reserve your copy.

Matt Krug
Generalist librarian
East Boston branch of the Boston Public Library
276 Meridian Street
East Boston, MA 02128
(617) 569-0271 ext. 1158

Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, Inc. (BCNC) is currently accepting students for the following high-beginner ESOL class that starts in September:


For parents, grandparents and other caregivers of children in K-12

Students will learn English and skills for:
• Helping children learn
• Keeping children healthy and safe
• Understanding the Boston Public School system
• Communicating with teachers
• Getting involved at children’s schools

When:                         September 2013 – June 2014

Monday and Friday (2 days each week), 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Cost:       FREE

Location:   38 Ash Street, Boston, MA 02111 (in Chinatown, next to Tufts Medical Center)

How to register:  Applicants must come to BCNC in person to take a writing test anytime between 8:30 am and 7 pm Monday-Friday.

Applicants must have at least some basic ability in English.  Priority given to Boston residents.
If you would like more information, please feel free to contact Fred Bennett via phone or email.

Fred Bennett
Evening Program Coordinator / Advisor, Adult Education
Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, Inc.
617-635-5129 x1029 • 38 Ash St. Boston, MA  02111 •

Vocational Training Call for Candidates @ NECHV Boston
Training Only offered to Military Members (Veterans)
Michael A. Falasca
Commonwealth Of Massachusetts
Veteran Service Representative, Notary / (DVOP)
JobNet Career Center
210 South Street  Boston, Ma. 02111                         
Off: (617) 338-0809 Ext. 2737
Fax: (617)338-2050
Web :

Amtrak will be interviewing to fill 6 Assistant Conductor Trainee positions.  Attached is a flyer with information about the recruitment.  Please share with job seeking customers.

Ed Crognalo
Business Service Manager
617-338-0809 x 2736
Fax 617-338-2050