Lexington, Mass., March 6, 2014, — State and federal incentive programs have made installation of solar panels on residential, commercial and municipal buildings economically favorable. How can you join the Solar Revolution and put your rooftop to work? Are solar panel installations available to all? What other changes in the building codes can lead to even greater energy savings?
Solar roof at Al Gore’s home (from treehugger.com)
Please join the Lexington League of Women Voters for a lively panel discussion on this topic. Our panelists include: Marcia Gens, Solar Coach, Solarize Lexington- Bedford; Mark Sandeen, Sustainable Lexington; Joe Welch, Historic Districts Commission; and John Wilson, Chief, Lexington Fire Department.
This is the sixth in the series of 2013-2014 First Friday Forums hosted by the League of Women Voters of Lexington to promote awareness and understanding of public policy issues. Coffee will be available at 9:15 a.m. Presentations begin at 9:30 in the Community Meeting Room on the lower level of Cary Memorial Library, 1874 Massachusetts Avenue. Friday, March 7, 2014.
For more information or to carpool, contact the League at League of Women Voters of Lexington lwv.lexington@gmail.com. All League forums are open to the public at no charge.