

这两天沉浸在中国文化中,心回到了万里之外的故土。July 4th的晚上,电视上放着Boston Pops Fireworks Spetacular 在查尔斯河畔贝壳剧场庆祝独立日的音乐会。这是波士顿的传统。Yes, it is Boston. It is the tradition. 动人的音乐,快乐的人群,dancing and singing along, 感染着我。歌手邀请观众一起唱:It is a pretty crowd for the Independence Day,整个人群都疯狂了,一张张笑脸. 他们快乐扬溢,我忽然觉得去现场看一定很幸福。两年前的波士顿爆炸案今年国庆节恐袭警吿并没有阻止波士顿人民去Esplande庆祝美国生日的热情。这次安保做到家,入场的人每人都要经过安检,local police, federal agents和national guard沿查尓斯河巡逻,警犬在草地上跑前跑后,Jet 6 和直升飞机在空中盘旋。不能让恐怖分子吓到,阻止人们追求自由和平庆祝美国诞生日的热情。主持人甚至打趣,being there, you need to sign all the important documents,暗示很可能遭遇不测。晚会在漫天绚烂夜空中绽放的烟花中结束,主持人激动的说: how fortunate we are to be part of Boston, proud to be Bostonian. 看得出她说这话是发自肺腑的. 看到网上这段话:
上图:2015年7月4日晚在查尔斯河剑桥河畔拍国庆烟火(韩梦蕾 摄)。

“After all, Boston is where the fight for American liberty began. Needless to say, July 4th is a very special occasion here. The city is always proud of its revolutionary heritage, but around July 4th, celebratory pride escalates to such a degree that you’ll experience patriotism steroids.”


I complained a lot about the extreme cold weather and bad commute in Boston this winter. But I wanted to say that from watching the warm hands-waving of the happy crowds when the boat departed Pier 6, along with the most stunning sunset scenery on the water I have seen in life (just after Hawaii haha), to the safe landing at the harbor seeing people peacefully enjoying the summer outdoor music outside the harbor hotel, I know how much I love this city from the bottom of my heart.

Boston has the tradition and culture and has the character and the spirits that I love. Boston has the most intelligent and warm-hearted people that I always admire and that light up my life. Every year Boston attracts the young people from all over the world for school and for work to start exploring their life journey.

Like them, I came to Boston as a foreign student from the other end of the globe with a passionate spirit and motivated mind to pursue the graduate school, to see the world and to explore the adventure. Boston attracted me with its best education system and its arts and culture environment that I long for. The city embraced me with a big open heart. Boston and its people have always impressed me and touched me in the softest part of my heart in many different ways. Good or bad, life is a journey. I never regretted my choice.

Love you, Boston! Happy Fourth of July! Happy Independence Day! Boston Strong! Boston Safe!