CCCC 2019 Summer Program / 2019年剑桥中文学校暑期班

In 2019, CCCC offers multiple summer programs at two different campuses – Our Lady’s Academy (920 Trapelo Rd, Waltham) and CCCC Headquarters (425 Waverley Oaks Rd, Waltham).

Campus: Our Lady’s Academy (920 Trapelo Rd, Waltham, MA)

CCCC’s 24th Chinese Culture Summer Program at Our Lady’s Academy offers three two-week sessions (Jul. 8-19; Jul. 22-Aug. 2; Aug. 5-16) in our air-conditioned school facility for children 6 years or older (as of Jun. 30, 2019) from the U.S. and abroad. Each session features a variety of classes and activities, and takes place Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 6:00 pm. Daily hot lunch will be provided. Students will get to meet friends, develop independence and confidence, and have a lot of fun. It is a summer to remember.

Classes and activities include Chinese language (listening, speaking, reading, writing), first-level English writing (structure, vocabulary, grammar, sentence), STEM, arts & crafts, music, science, gym (ball games, etc.), and educational field trips such as visiting museums, farms, zoos and parks.

Campus: CCCC Headquarters (425 Waverley Oaks Rd, Waltham, MA)

SAT II Chinese Test Prepartion (Age 15+)

SAT II 中文考试辅导班

Monday-Friday, 7-9 pm, two two-week sessions (Jul. 8-19; Jul. 22-Aug. 2),

由拥有麻省教师执照的CCCC资深老师宋小青 (Xiaoqing “Lucy” Song) 执教,2019年CCCC暑期班开办每两周为一期的强化考试训练课程。该课按照中文SATII 标准培训,包括听力、语法和阅读理解三部分。听力涵盖了学生日常生活的方方面面,语法训练包括文法、短语、词汇,尤其是容易混淆的语法现象,某些独特用法,日常会话中的惯常用语和某些固定结构固定搭配等。阅读理解涉及学生日常生活衣食住行各方面,诸如便条、通知、日记、广告、简讯等。本课程配有数套经典摸拟试题训练。利用暑期接受强化考试训练,是一个不可多得的争取得高分的好机会。

First Level English Writing (Age 6-10)

Monday & Wednesday,7-8:30 pm, Jul. 8 – Aug. 9

Instructor: Harry D. McCrensky

Students will be introduced to the basic principles of writing such as structure, vocabulary, grammar, sentence and paragraph development, and story formation, which includes character, setting and action.

Advanced Level English Writing (Age 10+)

Tuesday & Thursday, 7-8:30 pm, Jul. 8 – Aug. 9

Instructor: Harry D. McCrensky

Advanced writing introduces students to professional writing techniques and 101 websites. The websites include all genres of writing which can be tailored to the student’s interests. There will be writing assignments in the form of various types of essay writing and feature story writing.

Beginner Debate and Public Speaking (Age 12-15)

Monday & Thursday, 7-8 pm, Jul. 8 – Aug. 3

Instructor: Robert Rowe, M.Ed, MFA

This class teaches students debating, various types of speeches, and argumentation in a fun and exciting manner. In this class, student-led teams will face off against one another and argue subjects guaranteed to interest teens such as the existence of extraterrestrial life and the importance of friendship. Never lose arguments again! Students will learn debate techniques and master how to make effective, persuasive class presentations, including presenting a thesis, building a logical argument, making analogies, group leadership, and counter arguments. In addition to preparing original speeches, students will learn to speak off-the-cuff and give prepared speeches. Students will learn how to give and accept an award, write and deliver a eulogy and win arguments. This course is offered to 6th through 9th graders, and serves as the basic speech & debate course and prepares students for our advanced debating courses offered in the fall.

For more information and registration, please visit or call (781)788-8558. Online Registration
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