
【波士顿双语网2022年1月20日讯】联邦司法部在波士顿联邦法院提交的一份简短的单页文件中披露,决定撤销对麻省理工学院(MIT)著名教授陈刚的所有指控。刚刚上任的麻州新任联邦检察官罗林斯(Rachael Rollins)表示,在收到新信息后,检方“无法再承担我们在审判中的举证责任”。罗林斯是麻州历史上首位黑人女性出任该州的联邦检察官,陈刚教授于去年1月份被指控隐瞒他为中国政府所做的工作。




麻省理工学院校长赖夫(L. Rafael Reif)的声明:









Statement from MIT President L. Rafael Reif:

To the members of the MIT community,

I write to confirm a long-hoped-for development in the case involving our dear colleague and friend, Professor Gang Chen: The government has asked the court to dismiss the case​ against him in its entirety.

All of us who know Gang are deeply relieved.

Although MIT cannot comment further on the details of the government’s motion while it remains pending before the court, we offer our warmest best wishes and heartfelt support to Gang and his family.

Gang was first detained at Logan Airport about six weeks before the pandemic struck our community; the burdens on him and his family members since then have been beyond imagining. It is difficult to reconcile and accept the pain and anguish that such good people, people we are proud and fortunate to know, have endured over the last two years. And of course, this case has also caused ongoing distress throughout our community, particularly for Gang’s friends, students and colleagues, and for those across MIT and elsewhere who are of Chinese descent.

Having had faith in Gang from the beginning, we can all be grateful that a just outcome of a damaging process is on the horizon. We are eager for his full return to our community.

With high hopes for a full dismissal of the case,

L. Rafael Reif​​