Chinese New Year Banquet by Boston Chinese Freemasons Features Lion Dance and Beautiful Songs

By David Li, translated by Shuzhi Zhang,

On March 4, a grand New Year Banquet by Chinese Freemason Association was held at Empire Garden in Boston Chinatown, and more than 500 members and guests enjoyed an evening of delicious food and wonderful performances.

State Rep. Donald Wong(middle left) and Tackey Chan(middle right) award the Letter of Commendation from the House of Representatives to presidents of the Boston Chinese Freemason Association Mr. SooHoo and Mr. Kuang.

he banquet began with the Chinese Freemason Sports Club’s Lion Dance, and followed by the speech of the two Chairmen of the Chinese Freemason Association, Boston Branch, Zhongda Situ, and Guotian Kuang. They expressed their thankful welcome to the Association’s members, and wished the best of health, wealth coming generously to all of the attendants, and the harmony of the Chinese American community. In addition, two Chairmen distributed pocket money to Kwon Kow Chinese School, Chung Wah Academy of New England, Chinatown Service Center, Boston Children Reading Disorder Center and other organizations.

Rick Wong, president of Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association of New England (CCBA-NE), Ann Hung, the director general of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Boston and other guests gave their congratulatory speeches.
All attendants immersed in the gaiety of the New Year. Three well known singers Ying Wu, Yanqin Zeng and Yan Lian chorused the song Happy Chinese New Year together, and later performed a few other festival solo songs. Many guests danced with Cantonese songs Shanghai Grand and Red Sun, performed by Ricky Chan, who dressed in a traditional Chinese dress Chi-pao.
Other special guests included president of Goon Family Association of New England Hung Goon, senior member of Boston Chinese Merchants’ Association Ricky Moy, president of Yee Family Association of USA Peter Yee and its senior member Henry Yee,senior member of The Wong’s Family Association David Wong and etc.