By Eric Wu, Boston, Feb. 7, 2018, — Many Asian American voters celebrated today as the Asian Disaggregation bill H3361, in its current form, was rejected by the Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight in the State House. Thousands of Asian American voters have protested against this bill over pass seven months.… Continue reading Asian American Voters Rejoice as MA Bill H3361 Rejected on Beacon Hill
Tag: Politics
Boston Chinatown to Hold Nanjing Massacre Candle Light Vigil
Wednesday, December 13, 2017 marks the 80th Anniversary of the “Nanking Massacre” aka “Rape of Nanking”. Chinese American Citizen’s Alliance (CACA) Boston Lodge will be holding a peaceful candle light vigil at Chinatown Gateway Park from 6:00 PM to 6:30 PM on that evening. Picture from board meeting of CACA Boston Lodge ( file photo).
CPA Calls Chinatown Residents to Exercise Voting Rights
By Xinming Li, Boston, Nov. 6, 2017, — With the Boston Mayor and City Council elections on this Tuesday, Chinese Progressive Association (CPA) has called its members and residents of Chinatown to exercise their voting rights at polling stations tomorrow. CPA has endorsed Ed Flynn in Boston City Council District 2 election, which is… Continue reading CPA Calls Chinatown Residents to Exercise Voting Rights Endorses Flynn, Liang, Singvonsay and Shen for Nov. 7 Elections
Boston, Oct 31, 2017, —, the largest bilingual Asian American news website in Boston, announces today that it has endorsed Ed Flynn for Boston City Council, Nina Liang for Quincy City Council, Vatsady Singvonsay for Cambridge City Council, and Anping Shen for Newton School Committee Ward 3.
Letter to Senator Eldridge Against MA House Bill H3361
Protest against MA House Bill H3361 in Boston Common.
Political Reality of Being a Minority in America
By Larry Ho, co-founder of 80-20 Political Action Committee Having lived in the US for over 68 years since 1950, being a co-founder of 80-20 (the Asian American Political Action Organization), and participated in various past federal, state and local election campaigns, I am now at a point in life that I am retired from… Continue reading Political Reality of Being a Minority in America
Pictures and Videos from MA H.3361 Protest in Boston Common
By Xinming Li, August 27, 2017, Boston, — The fourth protest within one month against MA House Bill H.3361 broke out this afternoon in Boston Common. About 300 people protested against the bill that would dis-aggregate Asian Americans by their ethnicity.
Council President Wu on Planned Boston Common Rally on 8/19
Boston, August 16, 2017, — The organizers of the Free Speech Rally in Boston Common said earlier today they have received a permit for holding the rally in Boston Common on August 19. Multiple media outlets have confirmed that the permit is for 12 PM to 2 PM for the Free Speech Rally, which features… Continue reading Council President Wu on Planned Boston Common Rally on 8/19
Petition to Stop MA House Bill H3361 Gained over 1,000 Supporters
Boston, August 12, 2017, — A petition titled “Stop Bill H3361. Stop Identity Profiling” was started on recently. Over 1,000 supporters have signed this petition against MA House Bill H3361, which would dis-aggregate the Asian American population by requiring identifications of five top Asian ethnic groups in government surveys and data collection.
Mass Pike Tenants Seek Resident and Community Control
Boston, July 14, 2017, — Tenants from Mass Pike Towers, a 200-unit low-income housing development in Boston Chinatown, staged a protest today with supporters to highlight an ongoing dispute over the tenant association’s right to purchase the tenants’ homes according to a 2000 agreement between Trinity Financial and the Mass Pike Towers Tenant Association.