我的暑假生活 – My summer vacation in Cape Cod

陈兴楣, 艾克顿中文学校

A number of fun things happened in 2012’s summer. Vacation at Cape Cod is the most fascinating!

2012年的暑假发生了很多的趣事, 其中在Cape Cod的度假是最棒的!

One sunny summer morning, dad drove the whole family to the Nickerson Park at Cape Cod, the most famous campground. It was so popular that daddy had to book six months in advance! It took us almost three hours to get to the campground. Once we got there, the first thing we did was to set up a tent, which was my favorite part. All the camping stuff were packed into two duffle bags. Even though it was hard work, I still was proud of myself to help daddy and mommy. At the last step I had to hammer the nails that were connected to the tent to stretch it out. But we didn’t have a hammer, so we used the firewood we bought and our foot to get them in to the ground. Then I help daddy to make two air beds ready. My sister and I were so excited to run in and out the tent. This was our temporary home!

一个夏天早上, 爸爸开车带全家到麻州著名的Cape Cod的露营地Nickerson Park。 由于它太受欢迎,爸爸需要提前半年预定! 我们花了近三个小时才到达。 第一件事就是我最喜欢的扎帐篷。 所需物品都在两个旅行袋里。 尽管很难,我很自豪能帮爸爸妈妈一起做,最后一步我们必须把拉开的帐篷钉在地上, 可是忘带了锤子, 于是我们就用烧火木和脚把钉子固定好。然后我帮爸爸准备好两个气垫床。 我和妹妹兴奋得跑出跑进。 这就是我们的临时的家!

After the tent was completed, everyone started to get hungry. So we got in the car and drove out of Nickerson Park to find a place to eat. This was my other contribution to the family: I used dad’s iPhone and search for restaurants on Foursquare. The best deal I found was Guapo’s Shore Shack. My dad was happy to hear that it was a burrito place because he loves burritos, which reminded us a famous song ”This is the best burrito I have eaten. Yum Yum Yum.”. There was a special offer that someone posted on foursquare about free chips and salsa as a snack. We all munched on those chips until they were all gone. Finally, our lunch was ready. So we munched and crunched on the burritos, fish tacos, and grilled cheese. After our belly was full, we started biking.

帐篷扎好后, 每个人都饿了。 我们赶紧开车到公园外找吃的地方。这是我对家庭的另一个贡献: 我用爸爸的iPhone在Foursquare上找餐馆。我发现的最好的是Guapo’s Shore Shack。 爸爸很高兴因为这是一个burrito餐馆,他最喜欢burrito了。我和爸爸一起唱起了一首歌“This is the best burrito I’ve ever eaten. Yum Yum Yum”。 有人还在Foursquare上告诉大家fish tacos最好而且有免费的玉米片。我们大嚼玉米片后,又狂吃 burritos, fish tacos, and grilled cheese。 肚子饱了, 我们就开始骑车了。

The bike trail is probably the longest one in MA. It is well paved and shady through the woods. Also it has few up and down hills. Our bikes were attached to the car so we did not have to spend money on bike renting. I was riding in the front while dad and sister chasing me behind. Mom was taking a nap in the car. After a long ride, my sister got tired and wanted to go back to the camp ground, so we rode all the way back.

Cape Cod 的自行车道可能是麻州最长的。 路铺得好又有荫凉, 而且坡很缓。我们的自行车拴在车后带来所以不必花钱租。 我在前,爸爸和妹妹跟在后面。妈妈在车里午休。骑了很长一段, 妹妹说她累了, 于是我们就回去了。

Then we went to supermarket nearby to buy lobsters, drinks, marshmallow and sausages for the campfire dinner. We also bought some watermelon and lunches for the next day. We set up a camp fire at the campground and sit around it. We roasted marshmallows, sausages and had them with lobsters, watermelon and soda. After dinner, we went to the shower place (bathroom). The campground must be treated with mosquito propellant therefore no mosquito bothered us. However there were a lot of daddy long legs in it. I was not afraid of them as long as we did not touch each other. After we were finished showering, we went back to the campground to sleep quickly after all day’s activities.

然后我们为晚上的篝火晚餐去超市买龙虾,饮料,棉花糖和香肠, 还有一些西瓜和明日的午餐。我们围坐在篝火周围烤棉花糖和香肠。晚餐后我们去浴室冲澡。 露营地肯定是用驱蚊药处理过所以看不见蚊子。 但是有不少长脚蜘蛛。只要不碰它们我就不怕。因为一天的忙乱,洗澡回来后很快就睡着了。

After we finished our breakfast, we dissemble the tent, pack everything and check out from the campground. The last destination was the beach. I was eager to try surfing for the first time. The big waves pushed me back and forth while I was holding a surfing board. One time the wave pushed me so far and even went over me that I got scared. But thanks to the next wave I landed on the beach safely. At the beach, my sister and I played with another girl. We work together to make a pool (6 in. deep, width 2 ft. length 2 ft.). We added tunnel so when the wave comes in, the water would go through the tube and fill up the pool. Before we left, I surfed one more time and said good-bye to the girl. We had to wash out all the sands and salts off our bodies under shower heads outside the changing rooms before we change back the clothes.


Then I felt the vacation is too short because we had to go home. My sister and I asked dad and mom, “Can we come back next time?” Mom nodded and gave us a smiling face. Yeah! We got in the car and drove back to our home sweet home. What a wonderful summer vacation!
