SAPA-NE成立创业俱乐部 筹备第15届科学研讨会 欢迎厦门市代表团

【侨报周末特约记者李强波士顿图文报道】波士顿是美国乃至全球的生物医药研发中心,在这个领域也不乏创业取得成功的华人企业家。 日前,纽英仑美中生物医药开发协会(SAPA-NE)在麻省理工学院举办创业俱乐部成立研讨会。该会历任会长及骨干李和、陈敏、钭理强、林庆聪和陈大棚等都出席了研讨会,显示了他们对推动波士顿地区华人专业人士创新创业的热忱。



上半场的演讲嘉宾有巴布森学院教授丹尼斯(Caroline Daniels)博士,原CytoMed公司总裁斯蒂文·叶(Stephen Ip)和Nexcelom生物科学公司创办人暨董事长邱钧。在茶歇之后,下半场演讲会由龙江博士主持,演讲嘉宾包括Matrigen生命科技公司创办人迈赫(Justin Mih),Foley Hoag律师事务所合伙人沃伦(Robert Warren)以及财经税务服务公司总裁魏(Kaitzew Wei)。



Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals Association 

-New England (SAPA-NE)


15th SAPA-NE Scientific Symposium

“Target Epigenetics for Cancer Drug Discovery”



时间: 2012年12月1日(星期六)1:00pm-9:00pm

地点: 麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院

MIT School of Management, Tang Center, Building E51, Room 395

2 Amherst St, Cambridge, MA


纽英伦美中医药开发协会热情地邀请您参加第15届科学研讨会“利用表观遗传学开发抗癌药物。本届研讨会将于2012年12月1日(星期六)下午1:00-6:00在麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院举行(地址:2 Amherst St, Cambridge, MA)。答谢晚宴 6:00- 9:00 PM.





张毅 博士    Professor, Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital, Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Founder of Epizyme

李恩  博士  诺华中国生物医学研究院总裁

Dr. Robert Copeland    CSO & Senior Vice President, Epizyme

Dr. Johnathan Whetstine    Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital

Dr. Brian Albrecht     Sr. Director, Constellation Pharmaceuticals

沈灿煌 博士代表团团长,厦门市科学技术局局长



SAPA-NE 会员和 MIT 学生:免费

其他与会者:$20 (其他学生和博士后: $10)


*:免费晚餐卷数量有限.  请一并在网上注册。会议当日下午1:00pm后,所有未领取的预定晚餐卷将被会议组织者收回作再分配。

SAPA-NE 会籍网上更新:

LinkedIn网站加入SAPA-NE  :





Brief Introduction of Xiamen delegation:

The delegation has six members coming from three municipal departments:

The Organization Department of CPC Xiamen Committee is the initiator and leading department for the city’s Double-Hundreds Talent Program. The other two, Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Science and Technology and Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Civil Service are member departments for the implementation of the talent program. Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Science and Technology is also responsible for promoting the city’s scientific and technological advancement through implementation of Science & Technology Programmes.



1. 沈灿煌 厦门市科学技术局局长 (Mr. Shen Canhuang,General Director of Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Science and Technology)

2. 蒋娇容 厦门市公务员局处长 (Ms. Jiang Jiaorong, Division Chief of Xiamen MunicipaBureau of Civil Service)

3. 吴玲 厦门市委组织部助理调研员 (Ms. Wu Ling, Deputy Division Chief of Organization Department of CPC Xiamen Committee)

4. 黄颖 厦门市科学技术局副处长 (Ms. Huang Ying,Deputy Division Chief of Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Science and Technology)

5. 高峪 厦门市科学技术局主任科员 (Mr. Gao Yu, Principal staff member of Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Science and Technology)

6. 庄如真 厦门市科学技术局翻译 (Ms. Zhuang Ruzhen, Interpreter of Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Science and Technology)

A brief introduction of the Double-Hundreds Talent Program

The “Double-Hundreds Talent Program” was launched by Xiamen Municipal Government in 2010, with an aim to recruit global experts and talents and attract overseas entrepreneurs to start their business in Xiamen. The municipal government will allocate 150 million Yuan RMB every year as special fund for this program. It plans to introduce 100 overseas high level talents and 300 leading entrepreneurs to Xiamen in the next 5-10 years (the program is thus dubbed as “Double-Hundreds Talent Program). Incentive measures include:

For qualified overseas high-level talent, the municipal government will provide 1 million Yuan as living and working subsidy. He can also apply for higher level talent program supports which would sum up to 4 millions Yuan. The government will also render supports for research, project funding, applying for professional titles etc.

For qualified entrepreneurs who start their business in Xiamen, each will be provided with 1-5millions start-up fund. He can also apply for other governmental R&D funds, loan subsidy etc., which sum up to 23 million Yuan.

Other incentive in housing, employment, schooling etc. will be provides.

A brief introduction to Xiamen’s biotech, pharmaceutical and medical device industries

In recent years, Xiamen has exerted great efforts to nurture and develop its biotech and pharmaceutical and medical device industries. The 10-hectare Haicang Bio-tech & Medical device Port which integrates research and development, manufacturing, logistic, financial service etc in one area will be an ideal place for business start-ups and entrepreneurs from home and abroad.