Invitation to Nanjing Biotechnology and Creative Pharmaceutical Industry Promotion Seminar

Dear members and friends,

We would like to bring your attention to “China Nanjing Biotechnology and Creative Pharmaceutical Industry (Boston) Promotion Seminar”.

Yang Weize making theme speech at Nanjing 321 plan promotion conference in Cambridge, Mass. in May 2012.

As the major city for developing biotechnology and creative pharmaceutical industries in China, Nanjing has abundant resources in science, technology and education. Many preferential policies have been put in place to promote the construction of science & technology innovation and entrepreneurship system by Nanjing Municipal People’s Government. Aiming at advertising the incentives to more domestic and oversea talents, as well as promoting the development of Nanjing biotechnology and creative pharmaceutical industries, Nanjing Municipal People’s Government will host.

Nanjing Biotechnology and Creative Pharmaceutical Industry Promotion Seminar

17:30-20:00 on September 4th, 2013 (Wednesday),

President’s Ballroom, Hyatt Regency Cambridge
575 Memorial Dr, Cambridge, MA 02139

Mr. YANG Weize, Standing Committee Member of CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee and Secretary of CPC Nanjing Municipal Committee, will lead the responsible officials of related departments and representatives of biopharmaceutical entrepreneurs of Nanjing to attend this seminar.

The delegation includes Nanjing Municipal Investment Promotion Commission, Nanjing Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission, Nanjing Municipal Human Resources & Social Security Bureau, Nanjing Municipal Health Bureau, Nanjing Municipal Office of Talent Service, Nanjing High-Tech Development Zone, Nanjing Economic and Technological Development Zone, Jiangsu Life-Science and Technology Innovation Park, Nanjing Life-Science and Technology Innovation Park, Nanjing Medical Group Co., Ltd, Simcere Pharmaceutical Group, Sanhome Pharmaceutical Group, Genscript Bio-Tech Company and so on.

Tentative meeting agenda:

17:30—18:00     Registration
18:00—18:05     Introduction of special guests
18:05—18:15     Speech by the co-organizer
18:15—18:45     Keynote speech by Mr. YANG Weize (Secretary of CPC Nanjing Municipal Committee)
18:45—19:00     Speeches by representatives from the Life Science Parks of Nanjing
19:00—19:10     Speeches by representatives from foreign-funded life science enterprises in Nanjing
19:10—20:00     Dinner and social networking

We cordially invite you and your colleagues to attend this event. This event is free for our members and general public. Parking at the hotel is free as well. Dinner will be provided after keynote speeches. Space is limited. Please register using “Reply Form” attached to reserve your seat. The organizing committee reserves the right to terminate the registration earlier if maximum capacity is filled.


Nanjing Municipal People’s Government