★美的集团(SZ.000333)是一家以家电制造业为主的大型综合性企业集团,于2013年9月18日在深交所上市,旗下拥有小天鹅(SZ000418)、威灵控股(HK00382)两家子上市公司。 ★美的集团有着有着悠久的历史。1968年,美的创业,1980年,美的正式进入家电业,1981年注册美的品牌。目前,美的集团员工人数10.8万人,旗下拥有美的、小天鹅、威灵、华凌、安得、美芝等十余个品牌。
★ 2015年,美的成为首家获取标普、惠誉、穆迪三大国际信用评级的中国家电企业,评级结果在全球家电行业以及国内民营企业中均处于领先地位;在睿富全球 2015(第21届)中国品牌价值100强名单中,“美的”品牌以716.11亿位列中国最有价值品牌排行榜第6位。截至2015年,公司累计总授权专利 达 21,581件。
快快点击: Midea-Global Ideal Future Talent Tea Salon RSVP 注册吧!
“Midea-Global Ideal Future Talent“ is coming out!
“Midea-Global Ideal Future Talent” is the international talent strategic project to identify leading talents in science and technology around the world.
Join Midea-Global Ideal Future Talent Program, We Will Offer You:
★Earn a salary of one million or more (RMB)
★Combine the efforts to help China’s Enterprises going global
★Midea values the brand as the core, and focus on the quality of our products. With your participation, we will conduct a journey together on the path of promoting Chinese enterprises go global.
★Four selectable work locations of Hair’s headquarters in different countries:
Shunde China, Tokyo Japna, Brasilia Brazil,Kentucky U.S.
★Work Visa
Once you are selected to become Midea-Global Ideal Future Talent Program, you will be invited to attend Midea Global Talents Recruiting Tea Salon:
★The US President of Midea Research Center, Dr. Hu, will be with you sharing the experience working at Midea;
★Attendees are all professional:
Only outstanding candidates are selected to attend Midea Global Talents Recruiting Tea Salon; You will share the cutting-edge enterprises news and ideas with these prominent professionals at our exclusive Salon,
★One-stop offer releasing-The Nation’s Pioneer Job Offer Style
So long as you are equipped with the professional background, you will be selected to join our Tea Salon. Once the two interviewers recognize your performance, you will receive the offer that day!
★Information of Interviewers:
An expert of this industry and a company executive will be interviewing you
这么好的职位,这么好的福利,小伙伴们还在等什么?!马上动起手来,投递你的简历吧!!! 简历投递及沙龙分享会注册(或点击阅读原文):“https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1DMY0NgWFafPO2Zlyaq_Y6q8PJ14fVNphpbROV4WhRfA/viewform?c=0&w=1
想对此招聘计划有更深层次的了解,也欢迎咨询猎聘北美邮箱:[email protected]
注册请点击: Midea-Global Ideal Future Talent Tea Salon RSVP。