Dowling Insurance Job Opening / 麻州保险公司招聘

Job Classification: Insurance Sales / 职位:销售保险
Salary Range: $42,500-$50,000 / 薪酬:年薪 $42,500 – $50,000
Commissions: New & Renewal Clients / 佣金:新旧客户
Benefits: Health Insurance/401k/Disability / 福利:健康保险/401K 退休计划/伤残保险
Language: Speak fluently both English & Mandarin / 语言表达能力: 要求讲流利的英语和普通话
Education: Minimum 2 year Associates Degree / 学历:最少两年大学专科以上学历

We will provide and pay for all education, licensing and training associated with this position.

The Salesperson with the help of our Marketing Department, referrals and phone calls will be responsible for writing new business/clients and supporting the staff on their renewal customers.

Within 5 years,a successful Salesperson s Salary & Commissions should exceed $100,000。

Our Braintree office has been servicing Massachusetts and the New England area since 1983 with a licensed staff of 18 professional.
自1983 年以来,我们设在Braintree 的办公室一直在为马萨诸塞州和新英格兰地区提供服务,拥有18名专业人员。

We are associated with Arbella Mutual, Commerce Insurance, Hartford Insurance, Liberty Mutual, Travelers Insurance, Utica Mutual and a number of other insurance carriers that allow us to protect our clients Auto, Home, Business and Life Insurance.
我们与 Arbella Mutual、Commerce Insurance、Hartford Insurance 、Liberty Mutual、Travelers Insurance、UticaMutual 以及其他一些保险公司联系在一起,这些公司允许我们保障我们的客户汽车、家庭、商业和人寿保险。

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