

特朗普表示会动用国防生产法,要求一间美国公司生产更多的棉花棒。特朗普称政府对这家公司感到「困难」,但没具体说明是什么。据媒体报道,这家公司总部位于缅因州的Puritan Medical Products,专门生产高质素棉花棒。美国为增加检测数需要大量采摘唾液样本的长条棉花棒,过去已有美媒报道指有医疗设施因棉花棒不足,影响检测运作。



美国陆军工程兵部队司令西蒙尼(Todd E. Semonite)中将近日对媒体宣布,在短短的十天之内,美国陆军工程兵部队在全国各地建造的临时医疗设施(alternate care facilities)从11个增加到28个,本月底将全部建成,交付地方政府使用。

西蒙尼中将说,新增加的临时医疗设施包括首都华盛顿的华盛顿会议中心(Walter E. Washington Convention Center)、密苏里州弗洛里森特(Florissant)市的一家酒店、迈阿密会议中心和丹佛市的科罗拉多会议中心(Colorado Convention Center in Denver)等。




西蒙尼介绍说,陆军工程兵之前对纽约市贾维斯中心(Javits Center)、芝加哥麦考米克会议中心(McCormick Place)和底特律科博会议中心(TCF Center)等设施改建的10个临时医疗设施已全部竣工,开始收治第一批病患了。

NY National Guard executes somber duties in NYC

NEW YORK – The toughest COVID-19 mission facing the New York National Guard falls on 255 Soldiers and Airmen supporting New York City’s Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME), according to Army Maj. Gen. Ray Shields, the adjutant general of New York.

The medical examiner’s office is responsible for the dignified recovery of people who die outside of a hospital. The staff was overwhelmed at the spike in COVID-19-related deaths in the city of 8.5 million people, so city officials turned to the New York National Guard for help.

Now, New York National Guard Soldiers and Airmen are on duty around the clock helping handle the physically and emotionally demanding responsibility of the dignified removal of remains.

“We arrived in New York City on Tuesday, touched down Wednesday morning for training with the OCME and Thursday we were out on the road,” described New York Air National Guard 1st Lt. Shawn Lavin, the commander of the 107th FSRT.

“The city hospitals are at or just about at their capacities,” Lavin said after his first week of missions. And the second and third-order effects of that is the “downstream impact,” Lavin said, referring to crowded hospital morgues and funeral homes.

“Teams go out each day,” Lavin said. “We’ll dispatch with the OCME in their vehicle and our team in the trail vehicle.”

The New York Air National Guard also provided Lavin’s team with 28 additional qualified personnel from across the wings to receive training and augment the recovery teams.

The teams operate across the city, supporting OCME missions in all five boroughs from central locations in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens. Fifteen teams operate each day and another group of 15 supports OCME each night.

“Soldiers understand the mission, how important it is and that their help is greatly needed by their fellow citizens and appreciated by authorities,” Command Sgt. Maj. David Piwowarski, the New York Army National Guard’s senior enlisted adviser, said following a visit to the teams April 12.

Dr. Oxiris Barbot, the New York City commissioner of health, told The New York Times April 14 that 3,000 more people died in the city between March 11 and April 13 than would normally have been expected during the same period in an ordinary year.