美丽的夏威夷 Beautiful Hawaii Islands



绿沙滩是我最喜欢的。我们是坐皮卡车去的,路上非常颠簸。有时候会感觉要从悬崖上掉下去,有时候感觉车要翻过来。我们站在后兜里面,风非常大。过了半个小时我们终于到了,从悬崖上看下去 风景非常美丽。太阳在天空上闪耀,鸟在唱歌,天空蔚蓝蔚蓝的。我走下台阶到沙滩上,拿起一把沙子仔细的看了看我才发现沙子并没有那么绿。我想象当中的沙子是碧绿碧绿的,但其实是土黄色的。这时我的弟弟和爸爸发现了一群非常大的海龟,我和妈妈连忙跑过去,看到了像两个十四寸电脑大小的一群海龟正在自由自在的玩耍,它们开心地穿梭于我们之间, 看起来并不害怕人群。我连忙拿出手机来给这群可爱的绿色大家伙们拍照,一张我很喜欢的照片是一只小海龟在水里游泳,他看起来像在游蛙泳,小乌龟把他的四肢往前摆然后往后推。有时候他会不小心翻个跟头但他还是会爬起来继续游。小乌龟的贝壳只有我弟弟的手那么大可能刚出生不久,非常可爱,他跟着那群大海龟游还有玩耍看起来他很开心。拍了几张各不相同的照片之后,我发现它们似乎在这里玩够了,它们一群海龟正悠闲地离我们而去,开始到其他地方玩耍了。水温没有那么冷也没有那么热很舒服,我无从考证但是我想那应该就是为什么这里有海龟吧。




Beautiful Hawaii Islands

I went to Hawaii for my christmas break with my family.some of the places i went to was a green beach, Hawaii’s National Volcano Park, a water park and a swim with dolphins in the ocean, and went to Guarani Ranch.

The Green beach was my favorite. We went in a pickup truck and the road was very bumpy. Sometimes it felt like you’re going to fall off a cliff, and sometimes it felt like the truck was going to flip over.We were standing in the back pocket and the wind was very strong. My hair kept on flying in my face, I could barely see!After half an hour we finally arrived, looking down from the cliff the scenery was very beautiful. The sun shines in the sky, the birds are singing, the sky is blue. I walked down the steps to the beach, picked up a handful of sand and looked at it carefully to find that the sand was not so green. I imagine the sand was very green, but it is actually yellowish brown. Then my brother and father found a group of very large turtles, my mother and I hurried past, saw two 14-inch computer-sized groups of turtles playing freely, they happily shuttled between us, and did not seem afraid of the crowd. I hurriedly took out my cell phone to take pictures of these cute big green guys, and one of my favorite pictures was of a little turtle swimming in the water, he looked like he was swimming in a breaststroke, and the little turtle put his limbs forward and pushed back. Sometimes he would accidentally turn his head around but he would climb up and continue swimming. The shell of the little turtle is only so big that my brother’s hand may have just been born soon, very cute. He swam with the group of turtles and it seems that he is very happy. After taking a few different photos, I found that they seemed to have had enough of it here, and that they were leaving us leisurely and starting to play elsewhere. The water temperature is not so cold and not so hot and very comfortable, I have no proof but I think that should be why there are turtles here.

We also went to a dead volcano, which was hundreds of meters high. More than a thousand years ago it stopped erupting, we spent half an hour climbing to the top of the mountain to see the very magnificent scenery below the mountain, the left side of the mountain is the blue sea, there are several sailboats on the sea, there is a yacht. White waves beat the rocks on the shore, flying in mid-air with a flock of seagulls. To the right of the mountain is the mountains, the triangular mountains are rolling, but when you climb to the top of the mountain you will feel the top of the mountain is flat. From a distance, those mountains will look like green triangles. The mountains are connected to each other, and the outward side is very steep, like a very high wall, like a great wall. The side of the direction is not so steep, in case there are not so many stones and trees without the car can go up on their own.

Also, one of the things that impressed me was the Gurlane Ranch. It’s a very big place, with 4000 hectares, where many famous films are made. The whole place is grass, and there’s a bull bar on the left and right of each small plot, usually on the road, which is used to get people to drive in to visit The Gullane Ranch. Because there are so many cattle in there, this place looks like a ranch, so it’s called The Gullane Ranch. We saw where the film was shot, which included Jurassic Park, Fifty Loves, and Godzilla. I’ve also seen many of the props that made the film, such as the giant footprints of the Godzilla Monster, and the bones of the Jurassic Park dinosaurs. I’ve heard a lot of interesting movie stories, like seeing the dinosaurs in the background in the Jurassic dinosaurs are cattle, and Godzilla’s big footprints used to be three inches deep, but now only a few inches deep, because the cow can fall and be injured, and there are many more interesting stories.

This is my first time to Hawaii with my family, I think every place I go to is worth it, I want to go to another next year. This journey is so wonderful that I feel reminisced.