

川普近几个月来因支持将比特币(BTC)作为战略储备资产而引起关注,这让人们怀疑他是否仍然坚定支持美元。然而,在他的最新承诺中,川普明确表示,尽管他和竞选伙伴范斯(J.D. Vance)近来呼吁美元贬值以促进美国制造业和减少贸易赤字,但他认识到拥有储备货币地位的价值,并且不希望在他的任期内看到这种情况的结束。


  • 封锁边境,阻止移民入侵。
  • 进行美国历史上最大规模的非法移民驱逐行动。
  • 结束通货膨胀,让美国再次变得负担得起。
  • 让美国成为世界头号能源生产国!
  • 停止外包,把美国变成制造业超级大国。
  • 大幅为工人减税,小费免税!
  • 捍卫我们的宪法、我们的《民权法案》和我们的基本自由,包括言论自由、宗教自由以及持有和携带武器的权利。
  • 防止第三次世界大战,恢复欧洲和中东的和平,并在整个国家范围内建立一个巨大的铁穹导弹防御盾——所有这些都是由美国制造的。
  • 结束政府针对美国人民的武器化。
  • 阻止移民犯罪泛滥,摧毁外国贩毒集团,粉碎帮派暴力,并监禁暴力犯罪者。
  • 重建我们的城市,包括华盛顿特区,使它们再次安全、清洁和美丽。
  • 加强和现代化我们的军队,使其毫无疑问地成为世界上最强大和最有力的军队。
  • 保持美元作为世界储备货币的地位。
  • 争取并保护社会保障和医疗保险,不削减任何开支,包括不改变退休年龄。
  • 取消电动汽车强制令并削减昂贵且繁琐的法规。
  • 削减联邦政府对那些向我们的孩子推行批判种族理论、激进性别意识形态和其他不适当的种族、性别或政治内容的学校的资助。
  • 让男性远离女子体育运动。
  • 驱逐亲哈马斯的激进分子,让我们的大学校园再次变得安全和爱国。
  • 确保我们的选举安全,包括当日投票、选民身份识别、纸质选票和公民身份证明。
  • 使我们的国家团结起来,创造新的、创纪录的成功。

Along with keeping the USD as the world’s reserve currency, Trump promises to:

  • Seal the border and stop the migrant invasion.
  • Carry out the largest deportation operation in American history.
  • End inflation, and make America affordable again.
  • Make America the dominant energy producer in the world, by far!
  • Stop outsourcing, and turn the United States into a manufacturing superpower.
  • Large tax cuts for workers, and no tax on tips!
  • Defend our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our fundamental freedoms, including freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to keep and bear arms.
  • Prevent World War Three, restore peace in Europe and in the Middle East, and build a great iron dome missile defense shield over our entire country – all made in America.
  • End the weaponization of government against the American people.
  • Stop the migrant crime epidemic, demolish the foreign drug cartels, crush gang violence, and lock up violent offenders.
  • Rebuild our cities, including Washington DC, making them safe, clean, and beautiful again.
  • Strengthen and modernize our military, making it, without question, the strongest and most powerful in the world.
  • Keep the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency.
  • Fight for and protect social security and Medicare with no cuts, including no changes to the retirement age.
  • Cancel the electric vehicle mandate and cut costly and burdensome regulations
  • Cut Federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, radical gender ideology, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children.
  • Keep men out of women’s sports
  • Deport pro-Hamas radicals and make our college campuses safe and patriotic again.
  • Secure our elections, including same-day voting, voter identification, paper ballots, and proof of citizenship.
  • Unite our country by bringing to it new and record levels of success.