(厦门大学美洲校友会) 厦门,是中国五个经济特区之一,地处中国东南沿海,台湾海峡西岸,气候宜人,环境优美,人文荟萃,素有海上花园、温馨家园之称, 先后获得“国家园林城市”、“国家环保模范城市”、“全国文明城市”、“联合国人居奖”等多项殊荣。厦门市经济长期平均增长率位居全国大中城市前列,城市综合竞争力进入中国内地城市十强,被世界银行评为“投资环境金牌城市”。厦门基础设施先进完善,交通四通八达。厦门港位列中国十大港、全球二十大港。厦门空港是中国五大空港之一,航线通达100多个国际国内城市。厦门以其独特的人才发展环境和周到高效的服务赢得了“中国十大海归创业热门城市”的口碑。 2010年底,厦门市引进高层次人才官方门户网站“双百计划”网(http://200.xm.gov.cn)正式开通。
Category: All/全部文章
Governor Patrick To Visit Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center on May 15
By Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center(BCNC) Governor Deval Patrick will visit BCNC on Tuesday evening, May 15 in celebration of Asian American Heritage Month. BCNC will host a conversation with the Governor at the Center. He will speak with and listen to the community, fielding questions and hearing concerns in an open forum.
承前启后 放眼世界 龚克校长谈南开大学发展规划
【侨报周末特约记者李强波士顿报道】5月8日晚,南开大学校长龚克等一行6人假华埠京川酒家同近60位波士顿南开校友聚会,受到波士顿南开校友的热烈欢迎。校友们非常珍惜这个难得的机会,仔细听取龚克校长、关乃佳副校长对学校新校园建设、本科生海外交流、以及引进海外人才政策的介绍,并对母校的发展提出了建议。 波士顿南开校友会会长王忠(左)和龚克校长。(齐军 摄)
Earliest Mayan Calendar Shows No Hint of “World End” in 2012
(from chinadaily.com.cn) The earliest known Mayan calendar has been found in an ancient house in Guatemala and it offers no hint that the world’s end is imminent, researchers said Thursday.
Pictures from Multicultural Show at Acton’s R.J. Grey Middle School
By David Li, bostonese.com In the evening of May 5, over 100 students from schools around Acton, MA performed at the multicultural show at R.J. Grey middle school. The auditorium was packed with about 500 students and their parents and local residents, and they enjoyed a wonderful evening with beautiful programs presented by different ethnicity… Continue reading Pictures from Multicultural Show at Acton’s R.J. Grey Middle School
(来自中国新闻网) 在近日公布的84位新晋美国科学院院士名单中,一位华人女科学家的名字格外引人注目,她就是庄小威。她的当选,刷新了最年轻美国科学院华人院士的记录。
Community Groups Take Action Against Secure Communities on May 11
(Chinese Progressive Association) Several community groups including the Chinese Progressive Association are taking action on May 11 to protest the recent announcement by the Department of Homeland Security to implement the Secure Communities (S-Comm) program in Massachusetts.
【侨报周末实习记者刘丹、特约记者李强波士顿图文报道】4月28日上午,迎着清晨明媚的阳光,在位于绿线地铁站附近的哈佛罗克斯伯利房客社区活动中心礼堂(Roxbury Tenants of Harvard),麻州萨福克郡第15选区众议员桑切斯(Jeffrey Sanchez)代表州政府举办了温馨的春天(Spring Fling)华人老年人社区慰问联谊会。 近百名社区居民前来参加,并有数十位在波士顿求学、多才多艺的靑少年以及夕阳红活动站时装队的志愿者登台献艺,为社区耆老表演了精彩的节目。 议员桑切斯同部分演员合影。
(来自长江商报) 高考临近,近日湖北孝感一中现史上最刻苦“吊瓶班”。图片显示,教室内很多同学边打吊瓶边复习,场面颇为壮观。对此,孝感一中称,学生打的是补充能量的氨基酸。
China Students Use Intravenous Drips for Exams
(from chinapost.com.tw) Students in central China have resorted to classroom intravenous drips as a study aid to prepare for the nation’s notoriously difficult college entrance exams, state press said Tuesday.