Donation to Dr. Peng Wang’s Family Is Urged after Tragic Accident

By David Li, with reference information from U.R.I. Department of Chemical Engineering website. Dr. Peng Wang, a 2004 PhD graduate from the Department of Chemical Engineering at Columbia University was involved in a fatal automobile accident on his way to work in Rhode Island on February 6, 2012. He was the husband of Ran… Continue reading Donation to Dr. Peng Wang’s Family Is Urged after Tragic Accident


附近华人装修队很多,随便请了一个,本来以为八九不离十,谁知真碰上一个文明的无赖。 先说这房子旧,town里很担心装修质量,那C姓工头说没问题,他在国内搞土木工程,盖房子小意思。然后就说开工就收30%的工钱,说是他们这都这规矩。好吧,就给他30%吧,反正中国人圈子就这么大,还怕他骗吗?


2月28日晩6点,纽英伦中华公所、华埠主街等机构在泰勒街中华公所会议室举行新闻发布会。 近30位2月8日从夏利臣街25号被波士顿市政府强迫搬出来的居民一同出席了新闻发布会。 中华公所主席黄光野首先问住户们:“大家的居住条件都改善了,是不是?”大家齐声回答说是,并鼓起掌来。 新闻发布会距事发当日已有20天。 一位来自中国浙江的居民吿诉记者,他们2月8日晩在业主联系的旅馆住了一晩,然后到华埠昆士小学体育馆住了6天,之后又到中华公所会议室和活动厅住了5、6天,目前已经搬家到南波士顿的政府廉租屋。

Iris Zhao Defends Her Title at Bay State Games

By David Li, Recently, in figure skating competition of the 2012 Bay State Games, 10-year-old Acton resident Irsi Zhao won the junior figure skating championship for the second year in a row. The winter games were held at Williams College, and  attracted  more than 500 contestants from New England. Iris Zhao (middle), second place… Continue reading Iris Zhao Defends Her Title at Bay State Games


【波士顿双语网2012年3月讯】日前,在有500多名选手参赛的海湾之州冬运会(Bay State Games)花样滑冰比赛中,家住艾克顿的十岁小将赵婉悦(Iris Zhao)力压群芳,连续第二年夺得少年组冠军。在近两分半钟的自由式比赛中,赵婉悦伴随着优美的《梁祝》的音乐,像一只紫色的小蝴蝶在冰上飞来飞去,将 两周跳接三周跳等高难度动作完成得无懈可击,博得评委和观众的热烈掌声。 赵婉悦(中)和第二名威斯特顿镇的Jade Esposito (左),第三名霍普金顿镇的Marisa Nagel 在领奖台上。(刘晓梅提供)

新英格兰专业人士新春盛会 展现华人政经力量

1月28日下午和晚上,新英格兰华人专业人士2012春节联欢晚会及社区论坛在佛莱明罕镇(Framingham)的喜来登饭店隆重举行。 500多位医药、IT、金融财会、法律、教育科研等领域华人专业人士、企业家以及各界嘉宾出席了本次盛会,庆祝龙年新年。高级别的来宾、高质量的社区论坛 和高水准的文艺晚会,体现了新英格兰地区的华人专业社团近年来团结合作、服务社区,已经成为一股不可忽视的政治和经济力量。

New England Chinese Professionals’ Chinese New Year Gala – A Show of Force

By David Li, In the afternoon and evening of January 28, the 2012 New  England Chinese professionals’ Chinese New Year Gala and Community Forums were held in the Sheraton Hotel in Framingham, MA. More than 500 medical, IT, finance and accounting, legal, education and scientific research Chinese professionals, entrepreneurs and distinguished guests attended the… Continue reading New England Chinese Professionals’ Chinese New Year Gala – A Show of Force

超级星期二 王卫东参选莱克星顿住房管理委员会委员

今年的3月6日是总统选举年的超级星期二,在历史名城莱克星顿镇的地方选举中,王卫东博士(Weidong Wang)将参选住房管理委员会,成为第一位在莱克星顿镇全镇范围竞选的华人。麻州居民在6日的选举中将为共和党总统提名投票,前麻州州长罗姆尼应该会拿下麻州的共和党提名。

On Super Tuesday, Weidong Wang becomes the first town-wide Chinese American candidate in Lexington

By David Li, March 6 is the so-called Super Tuesday. In the local elections in the historic city of Lexington, MA, Dr. Weidong Wang will run for committee member of the Lexington Housing Authority, and become the first town-wide Chinese American candidate in Lexington’s long history. Voters of Massachusetts will also cast votes in… Continue reading On Super Tuesday, Weidong Wang becomes the first town-wide Chinese American candidate in Lexington