SAPA-NE’s 2012 Annual Conference Attracts Innovators in Biopharma, Entrepreneurs from China

By David Li,

The 14th Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals Association New England (SAPA-NE) Annual Conference will take place in MIT Sloan School of Management and Walker Memorial Morss Hall at MIT on June 16, 2012 (8.00 am -5.30 pm). A delegation of 100 entrepreneurs from China will join the afternoon talent recruitment event, and provide attendees with excellent job opportunities.

Group picture at SAPA-NE’s career development conference at MIT on April 7, 2012.

The theme of the conference is “Science, Innovation, and Emerging Market: Reshaping the Future of Biopharma Industry”. The conference will have four plenary sections with outstanding speakers, including biopharma industry senior executives, Chinese returnee entrepreneurs, professors, and other experts to share their vision on science, innovation, business development in the emerging market, with the focus on how big pharms can tailor their global strategy to seize the opportunity, and how the Chinese entrepreneurs can reshape the future of China in the area of innovative drug.

Over 1,000 attendees are expected at the daylong program, representing major pharmaceutical corporations, biotech startups, professional organizations, and world-renowned research institutions, as well as government agencies and diplomatic delegates from around the world. A list of keynote speakers is listed below.

Dr. Michael Rosenblatt, MD, PhD (Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer at Merck)
Dr. JC Gutierrez-Ramos (SVP/CSO, Pfizer WRD)
Dr. Karin Briner (Head of Global Discovery Chemistry, Novartis)
Ms. Anna Protopapas, MBA (Vice President, Millennium / EVP, Global Business Dev of Takeda)
Dr. Donald Bergstrom, MD, PhD (Head of global translational & experimental medicine, Sanofi)
Dr. Yinxiang Wang, PhD (CEO&CSO, Zhejiang Beta Pharma Inc.)
Mr. Bob Capse, (Founder, International Entrepreneurship Center, Babson College Professor)

According to SAPA-NE’s president elect Derek Tou, these exceptional keynote speakers cover all big pharms, including Novartis, Merck, Pfizer, Sanofi, Celegene and Millennium/Takeda. The afternoon keynote and panel sections will tailor to business development and provide excellent networking opportunities. Two problem-solving panels will mainly be moderated by outside professional moderators and provide face to face interaction with panelists. Please refer to the meeting program at end of this report for more details.

SAPA is a major US, not-for-profit, organization comprised of pharmaceutical professionals of Chinese heritage. Founded in 1993, SAPA is an internationally active, well-recognized professional organization with more than 900 members in the New England chapter alone. SAPA-NE upholds the original SAPA ideals by promoting pharmaceutical exchanges and cooperation in both industry and academia between the United States and China, while also educating the public and advancing public knowledge in all aspects of pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical science.

The event is free for active SAPA members or MIT students, $20 for general public, $30 for dinner ticket. SAPA-NE’s website is:, and LinkedIn group is:

Meeting Program

Click to access 14th_SAPA-NE_Annual_Meeting_program.pdf