


戴雅洁主持独唱音乐会 (李强 摄)





吴影,毕业于杭州师范大学音乐表演专业。2004年毕业后在北京邮政艺术团担任独唱演员, 并担任北京中音艺校和杭州市青少年活动中心的声乐表演教师。2007年受邀在浙江歌剧舞剧院主演歌剧《卡门》,后应加州歌剧协会主席著名女中音歌唱家Edna Garabedian的邀请赴美学习歌剧。2009 年师从于Wellesley College voice faculty Gale Fuller. 2011年经Gale Fuller 推荐师从于New England Conservatory professor D’Anna Fortunato. 吴影艺术功底深厚,擅长演唱不同风格的歌曲,处理作品大气、细腻而深情。目前,吴影已在波士顿地区建立数个声乐研习班,她的“零基础声乐教学法”在华人社区中大受欢迎,特别是将民族和美声唱法有机地结合起来,吸引了学员人数超百。此外,她对少儿声乐教学也颇有经验,任Angel Performing Art 声乐教师和艾克顿中文学校少儿合唱团声乐教师。

Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentleman, Welcome to MS. Wu Ying’s Solo Concert. I am the MC, Grace. Thank you for coming. Music is the shared language of the entire human race. No matter who you are, where you are from, what you do, you will love music. Crossing the borders of color, age and gender, music is the common treasure of humankind. Today, with our Diva Sololist Ms Wu, we are fortunate to have the chance to appreciate a highly selective repertoire of these treasures. The live album she will showcase today encompasses varieties of composers from different forms and cultural origins. Please put your hands together to welcome Ms.Wu.

1. Lascia ch’io pianga 让我痛哭吧!
from opera Rinaldo by Handel (1685 – 1759)
选自歌剧 《里纳尔多》,是著名的英籍德国作曲家亨德尔的 作品,表达了对于生活不易的感慨和对于自由美好生活的向往。

The opening piece, Lascia ch’io pianga, is a famous soprano aria by Barok composer Handel. It means let me weep. This piece received its popularity by re-composition into an opera Rinaldo. After the introductory Asian Dance rhythm, you will hear the theme just like Angels as if they were sent by God to reach our soul. Famous Soprano Rene Fleming had made great success singing this beautiful piece. Enjoy

接下来您要欣赏到得是选自巴赫B小调的弥撒曲Qui sedes ad dextram Patris.

2. Bach, as the father of this type of music, brought us spiritual compositions such as his famous work , the Mass. Now you will enjoy a portion of this work – the song called Qui sedes ad dextram Patris.

3. Must the winter come so soon? 冬天必须来得这么快?
from opera Vanessa by Samuel Barber (1910 – 1981)
选自歌剧《瓦内萨》 塞缪尔•巴伯 曲
20世纪现代歌剧. 北欧极昼极夜, 等待的心情

Barber’s Vanessa tells us a story of love between the loved and the beloved. Vanessa, Erika, and the Baroness await the arrival of Anatol, a man who had been Vanessa’s lover twenty years before. In love, there is always sweetness, and always heartbreaks. Here is the highlight from this soul-catching theme, the mezzo aria Must the Winter Come So Soon?

4. Will there really be a morning?
Four Emily Dickinson Songs by Lori Laitman (1955-now)

These contemporary works give us a mixture of flavors. Lori Laitman is famous for showing complex feelings of modern time within the context of classical vocal art. Let’s embrace the poetic lyrics embedded within the flow of pitches and octaves from the life of a living legend.

5. Pie Jesu by Andrew Lloyd Webber(1948-)

May I introduce to you the following Performers: Ellen Askey & Michelle Gong,the Acton Little Stars: Vivian Shen, Averi Zhong, Olivia Liang, Bellerina Hu, Katherine Lee,Olivia Hu . They are from ACTION CHILDREN VOCAL STUDIO 声乐工作室的学生, 由小朋友们演唱。最小的6岁,韦伯作品,首唱莎拉布莱曼 求主怜悯

6. Connais-tu le pays 你可知那地方?
from opera Mignon by Ambroise Thomas (1811-1896)
选自歌剧《迷娘》 托马斯 曲

《迷娘》是根据歌德的小说《威廉·迈斯特的学习年代和漫游年代》创作的。 歌德笔下的威廉·迈斯特,是资产阶级启蒙运动时期德国市民青年的代表,他要摆脱狭隘的生活天地,走向自由世界,到实际斗争中去认识生活的意义。歌剧中,最脍炙人口的一首,是歌德的原著里的诗普的唱段,名字叫做《你可知那地方》,是迷娘对威廉倾诉自己的身世时所唱的歌. 歌词十分优美,艾青曾经翻译

“Do you know that place”, this is extracted from the stunning work Mignon by the French composer and former Director of the Paris Conservatory. However, this piece is a reflex of the heart of a lady in the springtime, as she sings:

Do you know the land where the orange tree blossoms? The country of golden fruits and marvelous roses, Where the breeze is softer and birds lighter, Where bees gather pollen in every season, And where shines and smiles, like a gift from God, An eternal springtime under an ever-blue sky!

Now you will enjoy the song Connais-tu le pay你可知那地方?
from the opera Mignon by Ambroise Thomas

7. Ouvre Ton Coeur 打开你的心-西班牙小夜曲
by Georges Bizet 比才 曲

From the renowned composer of Carmen, Georges Bizet. This serenade has revealed another side of the sophisticated Parisian. Ms Wu has been a long time friend of him, and of course knows him well (She also knows the childhood nickname of him as Alexandre, right? smile). She was invited to perform Carmen five years ago. Today, she’s here to sing us a love song:

“The daisy has closed its petals, The shadow has closed its eyes for the day. Beauty, will you speak with me? Open your heart to my love. “

8. W.A. Mozart-Flute-Andante in C,K.315
Player: Hanna Kim 长笛独奏,演奏者 HANNA KIM

This is the second movement of Mozart’s G-Major Flute Concerto KV 313, which was commissioned by the Dutch flutist Ferdinand DeJean in 1777. At DeJean’s request, Mozart replaced his original middle movement for the concerto with this Andante – a piece that is much shorter and more soloistic than its predecessor. The version you will hear today is a transcription and adaptation by Marius Flothuis.

9. Di tanti palpiti 我充满激情
from opera Tancredi by Gioachino Rossini (1792–1868).
选自歌剧《唐克雷迪》 罗西尼 曲

《唐克雷迪》是一部非常出色的歌剧,法国作家Stendhal认为它是罗西尼的代表作。在威尼斯首演后,即在Ferras被搬上了舞台。与当时不同的是,基于伏尔泰的原著,现在这部歌剧是以悲剧结局的。这部歌剧中,唐克雷迪归城后所唱的Di tanti palpiti(《心悸》)广为流传,是罗西尼早期作品的代表作。 焦阿基诺·安东尼奥·罗西尼(意大利语:Gioachino Antonio Rossini,1792年2月29日-1868年11月13日),又译卓阿基诺·罗西尼,意大利歌剧作曲家,他生前创作了39部歌剧以及宗教音乐和室内乐,是一名多产的音乐人

Rossini’s musical output would be vague without his great first “hit tune”: “Di tanti palpiti”, the moderato section (a cabaletta of sorts) from the cavatina of Tancredi. The aria of Tancredi, known throughout Europe, was the most popular opera aria of its time… This piece has a nickname “rice aria” because Rossini came up with its original inspiration when cooking rice in Venice. The relaxed spirit of the composer yielded a byproduct, which turned out to be one of the most-remembered songs of Europe during this period.

Please enjoy this aria
Di tanti palpiti 我充满激情
from opera Tancredi by Rossini

10. Many of you may remember the song Pretty Woman, made famous from the film staring Richard Gere and Julia Roberts. Tonight we will hear a version from the movie Sweeney Todd by Stephen Sondheim

选自音乐剧《理发师陶德》 斯蒂芬·桑德海姆 曲
Performers: 李龙 & 翁伟安

11. 小河淌水 Brook flows

云南民歌 Chinese Folk Song
Performers: Andover 孙京,徐春建,钟宇

12. 红梅赞 Plum flower
选自歌剧《江姐》 羊鸣,姜春阳,金砂 曲
from Chinese opera Sister Jiang

13. W.A. Mozart – Piano Sonata in B-flat, KV 333 I. Allegro
Player: David Collins 钢伴 DAVID COLLINS

This is the first movement of Mozart’s 13th Piano Sonata, which was composed around 1783 in Linz, shortly after Mozart and his wife moved out of Paris. The movement is in a standard sonata form, with a lively first theme and a stately secondary theme. I am sure you will enjoy this sonata.

14. 杏花天影 Sky-shading Apricot Blossoms
姜夔 词曲 (1187) by Jiang Kui

绿丝低拂鸳鸯浦。想桃叶、当时唤渡。又将愁眼与春风,待去。倚兰桡、更少驻。 姜夔,白石道人,中国历史上著名的诗词曲作者,精通音律,能自度曲。一生未曾仕宦,靠卖字及朋友周济为生。著作有《白石道人诗集》、《白石诗说》等 杏曲是他的代表作之一,为思念远方恋人之作。文笔细腻,深情动人。接下来您讲欣赏到的就是这首传世之作,

Now you will enjoy the work called

14. 杏花天影 Sky-shading Apricot Blossoms
姜夔 词曲 (1187) by Jiang Kui

The poem conveys a painful feeling of loss of the poet when he sailed past Jinling (now Nanjing), the Capital of South Song Dynasty about 900 years ago in Southern Song Dynasty, when the North was then occupied by the Jin Kingdom: the loss of the beloved girl, the land, and the future amidst of the eternity of nature.

15. 那就是我 It must be me
谷建芬 曲 晓光 词 by Jianfen Gu

16. 家乡 Hometown
韩红 词曲 by Hong Han

Performers: Newton Center Vocal Studio & Commonwealth Vocal Studio

17. Time to say goodbye 告别的时刻
by Lucio Quarantotto

Thank you for coming to this special event.

As you can see Ms Wu is a very talented young lady, and I hope you are able to support her in her future endeavors.

I am sure you will all agree this has been a fabulous event and I hope you will show you appreciation to Ms Wu and fellow performers. Thank you!

相关报道: A Beautiful Song Is Worth Many Pictures