已经被MIT等名校录取 华人女高中生命丧伊顿山谷

【波士顿双语网综合报道】已经收到MIT和康奈尔大学录取通知书的南加州马凯博高中的17岁女高中生孙燕(Esther Yieng Suen,音译)3月22日在伊顿山谷(Eaton Canyona)登山时不慎跌下60米深的山谷,因头部重伤而身亡,和她一同跌落山谷的男生受重伤。当时正在放春假的孙燕同四位同学一同去旅游,而不幸踏上不归路。

孙燕家人日前在脸书上设立纪念专页,并宣布将在3月30日举行追悼会。孙燕的学校Emmaus Lutheran Church & School 23日开放供民众表达哀思,马上就有鲜花和各种礼物堆积起来。截至26日上午,已经有321人在脸书表示将出席追悼会。


From the Suen family:

Thank you for your condolences and prayers. We definitely appreciate your encouragements and support during this hard time of grieving.

We will be having a memorial service to honor Esther Suen and her life on Saturday March 30th, 10AM at Emmaus Lutheran Church.

The address is 840 S Almansor St, Alhambra, CA 91801. Everyone is welcome to come.

The reception will held right after the memorial service. Everyone is also welcome. In order to get an accurate headcount for the reception, we would like for you to RSVP to this event link:


At this time, we will also be compiling a slideshow in honor of Esther Suen and would welcome any pictures and photographs. The pictures may include friends and highlights of her life. Please email them to [email protected] by 11:59pm of Wednesday, March 27.