Malden, Mass., Jan. 20, 2022, — Chinese Culture Connection is pleased to host its 13th Malden Annual Lunar New Year Celebration on Saturday, January 29, from 6:30-8:30 PM! The Celebration will take place on Zoom so that you and your family can enjoy this holiday with us from the comfort of your own home.
The Celebration will include various performances from a broad range of talented local artists, an unveiling of this year’s Lunar New Year Stamp by the U.S. Postal Service, and several other exciting acts that you will not want to miss. Please register and add the event to your calendar now! We are looking forward to seeing you there!
2022 “华夏之春” 新春联欢会又要与您见面了!今年我们的活动将在1月29日晚6:30-8:30与您在Zoom相约,一同云端庆祝中国新年。今年的活动非常精彩,除了保留了备受欢迎的歌舞表演之外,我们新增了数个语言类的节目,以及活泼的儿童表演。值得一提的是,波士顿邮局今年将继续在我们的春节晚会上揭幕限量版春节邮票哟!现在就立刻报名参加吧!