By Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center(BCNC) Governor Deval Patrick will visit BCNC on Tuesday evening, May 15 in celebration of Asian American Heritage Month. BCNC will host a conversation with the Governor at the Center. He will speak with and listen to the community, fielding questions and hearing concerns in an open forum.
Category: English
Earliest Mayan Calendar Shows No Hint of “World End” in 2012
(from The earliest known Mayan calendar has been found in an ancient house in Guatemala and it offers no hint that the world’s end is imminent, researchers said Thursday.
Pictures from Multicultural Show at Acton’s R.J. Grey Middle School
By David Li, In the evening of May 5, over 100 students from schools around Acton, MA performed at the multicultural show at R.J. Grey middle school. The auditorium was packed with about 500 students and their parents and local residents, and they enjoyed a wonderful evening with beautiful programs presented by different ethnicity… Continue reading Pictures from Multicultural Show at Acton’s R.J. Grey Middle School
Community Groups Take Action Against Secure Communities on May 11
(Chinese Progressive Association) Several community groups including the Chinese Progressive Association are taking action on May 11 to protest the recent announcement by the Department of Homeland Security to implement the Secure Communities (S-Comm) program in Massachusetts.
China Students Use Intravenous Drips for Exams
(from Students in central China have resorted to classroom intravenous drips as a study aid to prepare for the nation’s notoriously difficult college entrance exams, state press said Tuesday.
Global Economy Looking to China to Lift Growth
(From With the United States struggling through a soft patch and Europe battling recession, China may come to the rescue by demonstrating a resilience that would provide comfort in a sea of economic uncertainty.
(来源:华奥星空) 中国橄榄球球员丁龙虽然未能在NFL选秀中被任何一支球队摘下,但随后却得到杰克逊维尔美洲虎队邀请,据丁龙的经纪人介绍,5月4-6日丁龙将前往美洲虎队参加新秀训练营。
Community Alert: Boston Police Warn Against Scam
The Boston Police Department has received information from concerned citizens in the Asian community regarding a scam. This scam appears to be targeting elderly victims. Police have received one report of an elderly victim being approached by Asian females in the Chinatown area and scammed into surrendering valuables to the suspects. Officers would like to… Continue reading Community Alert: Boston Police Warn Against Scam
Quincy Launches Social Media Planning Game “Play the game. Plan the future.”
By Metropolitan Area Planning Council Quincy – The City of Quincy, the Asian Community Development Corporation and the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) are excited to announce the launch of Community PlanIt, an online game that involves citizens in planning and visioning for the North Quincy and Wollaston neighborhoods.
Heavy Teens Have Trouble with Diabetes: Study
(From, May 1, 2012) New research sends a stark warning to overweight teens: If you develop diabetes, you’ll have a very tough time keeping it under control.