旧金山市长李孟贤访问费城 刘心生呼吁华人积极参政议政

美亚老人会董事局提供 日前,旧金山历史上首任华裔市长李孟贤日前在美国全国华人委员会常务理事暨政府事务主席,大费城亚裔商会执行总监潘涵的陪同下拜访了费城华埠,在美亚老人会和大费城华人餐馆协会与社区领袖,商家和耆老座谈一个多小时,会后在华埠著名中餐厅醉仙楼酒家与许多客人一起在大厅用餐。 前排坐左一起:美亚老人会董事局主席刘心生 ,旧金山市长李孟贤,原宾州州长亚裔办公室副主任潘涵。

Returning from Music Festival in Europe, Pianist George Li Took Home $10K Prize

By David Li, bostonese.com In the evening of August 10, well-known pianist George Li performed at the 21st annual music festival at Walnut Hill. As a 17-year-old, George Li is a seasoned pianist well beyond his age. As usual, his performance was full of passion and dedication, and received thundering applause and standing ovation from… Continue reading Returning from Music Festival in Europe, Pianist George Li Took Home $10K Prize


【波士顿双语网2012年8月16日讯】据哈佛大学网站8月15日报道,现任该校统计系主任孟晓犁教授(Xiao-li Meng)被正式任命为哈佛大学文理研究生院(GASA)的新任永久院长(permanent dean)。据悉,这是毕业于中国内地院校、首位出任世界最顶尖大学研究生院院长的学者。 (来自哈佛大学网站)

“远在天边也有春” 艾克顿中文学校舞龙庆新春

【波士顿双语网记者李强2012年1月图文报道】1月22日,龙年除夕,艾克顿中文学校给学生们放了一天假。然而他们在一个下午和晩上的春节联欢活动中,学习到更多、更具体的中国文化。 近千名艾克顿及周边地区居民参加了各项庆祝活动。 上图:天使舞蹈团的学生表演新疆舞(李强 摄)。

南开、交大波士顿校友联合烧烤 欢度夏日

姜振玲,2002级南开大学国经贸 7月末的盛夏时节,位于波士顿西边Natick镇的Cochituate州立公园正在它一年中最美的时候。南开校友会和上海交通大学校友会联合举办的校友烧烤活动就在这里举行。 部分与会者合影。(南开大学波士顿校友会提供)

Celebrating Friendship and Olympic Gold Medals, HUST Boston Alumni Held Summer Outing

By David Li, bostonese.com Newburyport, Mass. – On August 11, the second to last day of 2012 London Olympic Games, Boston area alumni of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) held annual summer outing at Moseley Woods Park. Over 60 alumni and their family members showed up for the outing despite of a rainy… Continue reading Celebrating Friendship and Olympic Gold Medals, HUST Boston Alumni Held Summer Outing

保护中产阶层 扩大基建投资 联邦参议员候选人沃伦阐述竞选纲要

【侨报周末特约记者李强波士顿图文报道】9月份的劳工节传统上被视为总统和联邦参议员选举的正式起跑日。但是今年暑假,许多候选人已经顾不上休假,频频举行选民见面会、筹款会等活动。 沃伦在选民见面会上接受包括美国中文电视在内的电视台访问。

USCIS Publishes Forms for Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

WASHINGTON— Today, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) submitted a Federal Register notice announcing new forms and instructions to allow individuals to request consideration of deferred action for childhood arrivals from USCIS. USCIS will begin accepting completed forms tomorrow, August 15, 2012. On June 15, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano announced that certain people who came… Continue reading USCIS Publishes Forms for Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

中华文化大乐园:中华文化的万花筒 五彩缤纷

【侨报周末特约记者李强波士顿报道】7月27日晚,麻州历史名城莱克星顿镇政府礼堂内掌声雷动,欢呼声此起彼伏,气氛非常热烈。16位来自中国的天才少年各个身怀绝技,民乐、杂技、戏剧、曲艺、武术、民歌样样精通,为近千名波士顿地区侨胞和当地居民奉献了一台精彩纷呈的文艺晚会。 开幕集体舞(邹新中 摄)