
【波士顿双语网讯】旧金山湾区一名攀岩爱好者10月末在犹他州锡安国家公园(Zion National Park)发生意外,不幸坠下峡谷身亡。近年来,到犹他州旅游的游客已经发生了多起意外伤亡事故。

公园官员证实,47岁的Christopher H. Spencer来自圣荷西,上周日在公园内的锡安峡谷(Zion Canyon)从一处高80米陡坡坠落。公园发言人Aly Baltrus表示,Spencer当时并没有佩戴攀岩绳索或安全帽,营救人员用直升机将他送到附近的医院抢救,但最终宣告不治。


Springdale, UT- Christopher H. Spencer, age 47 and a resident of San Jose, CA, died Sunday afternoon, October 19, 2014, after taking a fall in Zion National Park. The cause of the incident is currently under investigation by the Washington County Sheriff’s Office in cooperation with the National Park Service.

Spencer and a fellow climber were starting the climb of “Iron Messiah,” a technical 5.10 climb in Zion Canyon. The pair was on an approach pitch in easy 5th class terrain when Spencer apparently fell backward tumbling approximately 80 feet down the steep slope striking a series of ledges. Spencer was not roped in and was not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident.

Rangers were notified of the accident at approximately 1100 hours and ParkMedics reached Spencer by 1200. ParkMedics and a requested Lifeflight medical crew stabilized Spencer during the almost three hour technical evacuation. Spencer was transported to Dixie Regional Medical Center where he succumbed to his injuries.

This is the fourth fatal accident in the park for 2014 and the eighth climbing fatality since 1983.


2013年9月24日,一名中国游客在美国犹他州拱门国家公园(Arches National Park)游玩时,不慎从一块高24米的拱石上失足摔下,目前病情危重。

据《盐湖城论坛报》(The Salt Lake Tribune)报道,这名中国游客现年27岁,从北京赴美旅游。24日晚7点左右,该名男性游客在爬上一块高80英尺(约合24.4米)的光滑岩后不慎跌下。

拱门国家公园的发言人保罗•亨德森(Paul Henderson)称,最初发现伤者时,他躺在拱石下,不省人事,头部有伤口,不过很快就恢复了意识。然而,该男子随后告诉医疗人员称,他的双腿没有知觉了。

该名中国游客随后被直升飞机送往科罗拉多州Grand Junction市的圣玛丽医院(St. Mary’s Hospital)。

