Runners Julia Kuo and Yanyi Weng To Represent BCNC at Boston Marathon 2013

The Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center (BCNC) has selected Emily Weng and Julia Kuo as runners representing Team BCNC for the 2013 Boston Marathon charity program. Through the John Hancock Boston Marathon Non-Profit Program, BCNC was awarded two charity bibs for runners who support BCNC. Together, they set a goal to raise $16,000, with all proceeds… Continue reading Runners Julia Kuo and Yanyi Weng To Represent BCNC at Boston Marathon 2013


【侨报周末特约记者李强波士顿报道】 12月22日,北美体协在麻省理工学院举行了长达8小时的桥牌双人赛。16名来自波士顿周边的选手经过2轮竞技,林伟民(Phil Lam)和张桂琨(Greg Chang)以稳定的表现,夺得本次双人赛南北组第一和总分冠军。东西组的第一名是张伟斌和张峥。

NAAAP Boston’s Annual Gala and Awards To Be Held on January 18

Boston, Jan. 9, 2013, — National Association of Asian American Professionals (NAAAP) Boston will host its Annual Gala and Awards on Friday, January 18. The Gala is a traditional event by NAAAP Boston to celebrate and honor NAAAP Boston members and sponsors for the continued support to the organizations’ vision and mission to promote the… Continue reading NAAAP Boston’s Annual Gala and Awards To Be Held on January 18


【侨报周末实习记者王昊、特约记者李强波士顿图文报道】 12月29日晚,波士顿下起了入冬以来的第一场大雪。华邻客(The Chinese Link)主办的“2013新年展望黄西脱口秀”,在历史名城康和镇的一家剧院(Concord Players Theater)如期举行。虽然演出现场布置得十分简单,舞台上只有一把椅子和一块展示PPT的白色幕布,但是冒雪前来的两百多名观众的兴致还是非常高,整场演出过程中笑声不断。


【侨报周末特约记者李强波士顿图文报道】 2013年的元旦除夕,林肯公园浸信(Lincoln Park Baptist)教会举行了聚餐和跨年祈祷。50多位教友及家属在一同包饺子和分享美食之后,一起唱诗、祷吿、见证分享,彼此祝福,共同迎接新年到来。 上图:教友们手牵手为新年祈祷。

Taiwan Opens First Mainland Trade Promotion Center in Shanghai

SHANGHAI – Taiwan’s leading trade promotion agency opened its first office in the Chinese mainland in Shanghai on Tuesday. The Taipei World Trade Center, which opened the Taiwan Trade Center Shanghai Representative Office, is expected to open another office in Beijing by the end of this year, said its president Wang Chih-Kang. Officials from the… Continue reading Taiwan Opens First Mainland Trade Promotion Center in Shanghai

台商會財經講座談地產投資 2012年活動紀要

【僑報周末特約記者李強波士頓圖文報道】10月13日下午,新英格蘭大波士頓台灣商會假位於牛頓市的僑教中心舉辦財經講座,主題是如何投資房地產,由資深房地產經紀許漱馨和歐陽露主講。40多位對房地產投資感興趣的人士出席了講座,並參加了抽獎活動。 上圖:會長胡美惠(右)感謝許漱馨(中)和歐陽露的精彩演講。