Tufts University Unveils Plans for New Medical Research Laboratory to Focus on Tuberculosis

BOSTON – Tufts University today announced that it will seek approval from the Boston Public Health Commission to build a 1,700 square foot biosafety level 3 research laboratory within its School of Medicine’s existing Biomedical Research and Public Health Building at 136 Harrison Avenue. The Arnold 8 Biosafety Laboratory will enable Tufts researchers to find… Continue reading Tufts University Unveils Plans for New Medical Research Laboratory to Focus on Tuberculosis

Governor Patrick Breaks Ground on First-in-the-Nation Biomanufacturing Center at UMass Dartmouth

FALL RIVER – Wednesday, May 16, 2012 – Governor Deval Patrick today broke ground on the $28 million Massachusetts Accelerator for Biomanufacturing (MAB) at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. The facility, a result of Governor Patrick’s $1 billion Life Sciences Initiative, is expected to create 120 construction jobs and ten permanent jobs and strengthen Massachusetts’ standing as a… Continue reading Governor Patrick Breaks Ground on First-in-the-Nation Biomanufacturing Center at UMass Dartmouth

Boston Erhu Ensemble To Delight Chinese Music Fans on June 2

By David Li, bostonese.com On Saturday, June 2, Boston Erhu Ensemble will present a Chinese music concert at the First United Methodist Church, (645 Main St.), in Melrose at 7 PM. This concert will feature both traditional Chinese folk songs as well as arrangements of contemporary music pieces, and bring joy to many traditional Chinese… Continue reading Boston Erhu Ensemble To Delight Chinese Music Fans on June 2


(厦门大学美洲校友会) 厦门,是中国五个经济特区之一,地处中国东南沿海,台湾海峡西岸,气候宜人,环境优美,人文荟萃,素有海上花园、温馨家园之称, 先后获得“国家园林城市”、“国家环保模范城市”、“全国文明城市”、“联合国人居奖”等多项殊荣。厦门市经济长期平均增长率位居全国大中城市前列,城市综合竞争力进入中国内地城市十强,被世界银行评为“投资环境金牌城市”。厦门基础设施先进完善,交通四通八达。厦门港位列中国十大港、全球二十大港。厦门空港是中国五大空港之一,航线通达100多个国际国内城市。厦门以其独特的人才发展环境和周到高效的服务赢得了“中国十大海归创业热门城市”的口碑。 2010年底,厦门市引进高层次人才官方门户网站“双百计划”网(http://200.xm.gov.cn)正式开通。

承前启后 放眼世界 龚克校长谈南开大学发展规划

【侨报周末特约记者李强波士顿报道】5月8日晚,南开大学校长龚克等一行6人假华埠京川酒家同近60位波士顿南开校友聚会,受到波士顿南开校友的热烈欢迎。校友们非常珍惜这个难得的机会,仔细听取龚克校长、关乃佳副校长对学校新校园建设、本科生海外交流、以及引进海外人才政策的介绍,并对母校的发展提出了建议。 波士顿南开校友会会长王忠(左)和龚克校长。(齐军 摄)

Pictures from Multicultural Show at Acton’s R.J. Grey Middle School

By David Li, bostonese.com In the evening of May 5, over 100 students from schools around Acton, MA performed at the multicultural show at R.J. Grey middle school. The auditorium was packed with about 500 students and their parents and local residents, and they enjoyed a wonderful evening with beautiful programs presented by different ethnicity… Continue reading Pictures from Multicultural Show at Acton’s R.J. Grey Middle School