
譚嘉陵,中華表演藝術基金會 欣值陽春,中華表演藝術基金會將於2012年4月7日星期六晚上八點在紐英崙音樂學院喬登廳 (Jordan Hall) ,再次邀請低音大提琴演奏家張達尋演出一場獨奏會。當晚演出曲目將結合東西方樂曲; 有巴哈的第四號大提琴組曲BWV 1010、波特西尼 (Giovanni Bottesini) 的「輓歌(Elegy) 」、 陳剛的「陽光照耀在塔什庫爾干」、華彥鈞的「二泉映月」等。節目中除了有由其日裔鋼琴博士夫人柏木知子Tomoko Kashiwagi為他鋼琴伴奏外,張達尋將以中國京胡演出一首大家耳熟能響的中國曲樂「空山鳥語」。這將是一場非比循常、精彩可期的音樂會。 張達尋和他的低音大提琴

Winners of White House Video Contest, Local High School Students Prepare a Trip of a Lifetime

By David Li, bostonese.com On April 5, twelve teen students from Charlestown High School, most of them immigrated to Boston area with their families from China less than three years ago, will participate in a White House meeting as winners of a video contest. Started as a joint project between Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center(BCNC) and… Continue reading Winners of White House Video Contest, Local High School Students Prepare a Trip of a Lifetime

Boston BioForum 2012 To Be Held on April 7 at MIT

Boston BioForum 2012 – Meeting the Challenges Through Innovation CABA(Chinese-American BioMedical Association) Annual Conference Date: Saturday, April 7, 2012; 8:30 AM – 9:00 PM Venue: MIT Faculty Club, 50 Memorial Drive, Bldg E52, 6th Floor; Cambridge, MA CABA Website: http://www.cabaweb.org/

走向水墨 田文浩走进梦想

李强,于2011年8月 人们往往对画家独特的眼光充满了好奇。“我观察一棵树时,往往只看到树枝,而看不到树叶”,田文浩独特的视角和笔触,使她的作品在传承中国国画千年体统的同时,给人耳目一新的视觉效果。


【侨报周末特约记者李强于2011年8月】以“树的四季风情”为主题的波士顿著名摄影家黄定国(Eaden Huang)作品展8月7日下午在剑桥市三佛中心开展。30多位摄影爱好者冒雨出席了开展招待会,欣赏黄定国先生近年来冒风霜雨雪、深入大自然所创作的28幅作品。 这个题为“龙树”的照片摄于波士顿查尔斯河畔(黄定国摄)。

Ying Wu’s Vocal Classes Celebrated Year of Dragon with Beautiful Songs

By David Li, translation by Jun Yang On the afternoon and evening of January 28, Ying Wu’s vocal classes held a Chinese New Year’s concert in Hancock United Church of Christ in Lexington, Mass. As a special guest, Kristy Lee, New England’s only 24-hour news TV station NECN’s morning news anchor, hosted the concert. The… Continue reading Ying Wu’s Vocal Classes Celebrated Year of Dragon with Beautiful Songs

“Spring, its softness is disarming and its light comforting” – A Painter’s Note In Spring and Selected Paintings

By Sophia Yee, painter and poet Spring allows me to express myself fully and freely in a dynamic movement of colors,shapes, lines, light and shadows and to capture the essence of the moment and perhaps the light and shadow that raises me from a sinking mood and a dead spirit. Spring speaks in a unique… Continue reading “Spring, its softness is disarming and its light comforting” – A Painter’s Note In Spring and Selected Paintings