
李强, bostonese.com 波士顿华埠社区中心(BCNC)3月2日在华埠帝苑大酒楼举办了第24届春宴和筹款会,600多位来宾出席,为BCNC一共募集到善款超过22万元。 来宾们首先在招待厅享受葡萄酒和点心的招待酒会,然后到大餐厅观看巾帼醒狮团儿童组的舞狮表演,并在晩宴中穿揷了慈善拍卖。 巾帼醒狮团儿童组的舞狮表演

Chinatown Youth To Sit Outside T-station Protesting Proposed Fare Hike This Friday

By David Li, bostonese.com According to a press release by Chinese Progressive Association (CPA), at 4 PM this Friday, March 23, high school aged members of CPA’s Chinese Youth Initiative and other students in Chinatown will sit outside Tufts New England Medical Center(TNEMC) station to protest the proposed massive fare increases and service cuts by… Continue reading Chinatown Youth To Sit Outside T-station Protesting Proposed Fare Hike This Friday

从黄浦江边到查尔斯河畔 – 新生代画家周明谈艺术创作

李强,bostonese.com 3月初,记者在剑桥市波士顿亚文中心同中国新生代画家代表之一的周明女士进行访谈。 作为一位在上海出生和成长的画家,周明经历了过去20年世界历史上罕见的中国经济飞速发展,并见证了期间社会心态的变迁。在访谈中,周明介绍了她对中国新富阶层社会心态,尤其是消费心态的认识,以及她是如何用画笔来扑捉这种心态的感受。 周明1999年毕业于上海师范大学艺术学院,曾在同济大学和上海大同学院任敎4年。 2009年获密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校艺术硕士学位。 其作品40多次入选中国、美国、欧洲艺术展,20多次获得艺术展奖项,包括2008年威奇塔艺术中心全美小幅油画比赛一等奖,2009年加利福尼亚州Palo Alto艺术协会国际艺术展最佳作品奖。 周明还曾10次受邀举办个人画展,包括俄亥俄州立大学,查德隆州立学院等。

Team Peace Wins Inaugural Metrowest United Ping Pong Tournament’s Group Competition

By David Li, bostonese.com In the afternoon of March 17, two finalists, team Peace and team Faithfulness, competed for the group championship of the Inaugural Metrowest United Ping Pong Tournament at Boston Metrowest Bible Church in Littleton MA. About 80 players, their family members and volunteers from the church were at hand to witness the… Continue reading Team Peace Wins Inaugural Metrowest United Ping Pong Tournament’s Group Competition


李强, bostonese.com 16日下午3点半左右,来自中国成都的本特利(Bentley)学院24岁的中国女留学生林沁锫(Qinpei Lin)在从位于沃森市的学校过马路回宿舍时,被一辆小货车撞到,送到医院后,抢救无效去世。林沁锫车祸遇难的消息在波士顿留学生中引起极大的震惊,为一个年轻的生命的突然离去感到万分痛惜。 林沁锫在Facebook上的照片

Zhejiang University Boston Alumni Celebrated Year of Dragon Together

By David Li, translation by Jia Liu and Junhua Shen Located on the banks of the beautiful West Lake in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, China, Zhejiang University (ZJU) is one of the finest universities in China. On the afternoon of Feb. 18, 2012, more than 100 Zhejiang University (ZJU) alumni and their relatives attended the ZJU… Continue reading Zhejiang University Boston Alumni Celebrated Year of Dragon Together

浙大校友龙年聚会 89岁老校友回忆西迁岁月

【波士顿双语网记者李强报道】2月18日下午,100多位浙大校友和他们的亲友出席了在沃森市的剑桥中国文化中心举行的新春联谊会。大家在分享美食和互致问候之后,听取了多位杰出校友对母校的回忆,以及在波士顿成家立业的切身体验。 年近九旬的学长张淑改对浙大西迁岁月的回忆,更是激发了校友们对母校历史的自豪感。