By David Li, In the afternoon of March 17, two finalists, team Peace and team Faithfulness, competed for the group championship of the Inaugural Metrowest United Ping Pong Tournament at Boston Metrowest Bible Church in Littleton MA. About 80 players, their family members and volunteers from the church were at hand to witness the… Continue reading Team Peace Wins Inaugural Metrowest United Ping Pong Tournament’s Group Competition
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Colors from Yellowstone Take Your Breath Away
By Baiyun Yao I took these pictures when I traveled to Yellowstone National Park in September 2011. I hope these pictures can drive more people into nature.
李强, 16日下午3点半左右,来自中国成都的本特利(Bentley)学院24岁的中国女留学生林沁锫(Qinpei Lin)在从位于沃森市的学校过马路回宿舍时,被一辆小货车撞到,送到医院后,抢救无效去世。林沁锫车祸遇难的消息在波士顿留学生中引起极大的震惊,为一个年轻的生命的突然离去感到万分痛惜。 林沁锫在Facebook上的照片
Zhejiang University Boston Alumni Celebrated Year of Dragon Together
By David Li, translation by Jia Liu and Junhua Shen Located on the banks of the beautiful West Lake in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, China, Zhejiang University (ZJU) is one of the finest universities in China. On the afternoon of Feb. 18, 2012, more than 100 Zhejiang University (ZJU) alumni and their relatives attended the ZJU… Continue reading Zhejiang University Boston Alumni Celebrated Year of Dragon Together
浙大校友龙年聚会 89岁老校友回忆西迁岁月
【波士顿双语网记者李强报道】2月18日下午,100多位浙大校友和他们的亲友出席了在沃森市的剑桥中国文化中心举行的新春联谊会。大家在分享美食和互致问候之后,听取了多位杰出校友对母校的回忆,以及在波士顿成家立业的切身体验。 年近九旬的学长张淑改对浙大西迁岁月的回忆,更是激发了校友们对母校历史的自豪感。
Pictures from Angel Dance Company’s Chinese New Year Show
By Mickey Goldin In the evening of February 19, 300 dancers from Angel Dance Company and other friendly dance groups presented a Chinese New Year dance show at Massachusetts Bay Community College McKenzie auditorium.
李强, 3月3日,在波士顿出席美国物理学会年会的北京大学副校长、著名物理学家王恩哥做客北大校友会博雅论坛,做了题为“物理在中国的过去与未来十年”的演讲,以丰富的资料向80多位与会者展示了中国物理学研究在21世纪头十年所取得的丰硕成果。王校长重点介绍了几位海归回国的科研人员(包括他自己)的研究成果,并鼓励留学生学成归国。 王校长(左七)同部分与会者合影
健康生活 适量饮酒
孔璋林,Tufts食品政策与应用营养学硕士,Southcoast医疗中心实习临床营养师 春节来了,无论是亲友相聚,还是周末出门,小酌几杯在所难免。俗话说小酌怡情,大醉却会伤身。今天就和大家聊聊喝酒。 过量饮酒会对人体产生多种危害。短期伤害包括意识不清造成的无意识身体伤害(如酒驾,摔倒,烫伤),酒后情绪失控而出现暴力行为破坏家庭和谐,以及酒精中毒可能导致的低血压,昏迷,呼吸停止以及脑损伤和猝死。而长期过量饮酒对身体的各大系统和器官都有影响,可能导致的慢性病症有痴呆,中风,神经损害,心肌梗塞,心肌炎,心率失调,高血压,酒精肝,肝硬化,胰腺炎,胃炎,口腔癌,咽喉癌,食道癌,肝癌,肠癌,乳腺癌, 并且能引起抑郁,焦虑,自杀倾向等精神异常。
Two Local Students Among Intel Science Talent Award Finalists Met Obama in the White House
David Li, On March 13, White House welcomed 40 Intel Science Talent Award finalists. President Obama wore a big smile on his face when he met these talented students. Mr. Obama has repeatedly said that the future of the U.S. economy lies in high-tech fields that are in need of continuous innovations. These outstanding… Continue reading Two Local Students Among Intel Science Talent Award Finalists Met Obama in the White House
北美中华医学会社区服务部 北美中华医学会(ACMA)与社区各界朋友们合作,从3月18日开始为华人社区提供定期免费医疗咨询服务。不久前,我们在剑桥中国文化中心举办了一次活动,当时有不少夕阳红活动站的老人特地赶来参加。他们拉着我们的手,诉说他们的疾苦。一位老大娘特别让我们感动,她特意起早做了包子放在饭盒里,让我们一定收下。我们原本计划只在周日义务服。在老人们的一再恳请下,我们决定周六特别为他们服务, 因为他们很多人只能周六来文化中心参加夕阳红的活动。临别时他们依依不舍,叮嘱我们千万不要忘记他们。