Mikki O’Brien Takes ATV Miss Asia Pageant East Coast Crown

By David Li, bostonese.com New York City, Sept. 15, 2014, — ATV Miss Asia Pageant US East Coast recently completed the final round of competition. Seventeen-year-old high school student Mikki O’Brien from New York won the first place while Jing Xu from Boston finished as the runner up. A contestant walks the runway in bikini… Continue reading Mikki O’Brien Takes ATV Miss Asia Pageant East Coast Crown

Delegation from Sichuan Held Info Session at Harvard University

Boston, Sept. 5, 2014, — A delegation headed by Mr. Fan Ruiping from Sichuan province, China held a meeting at Harvard University Faculty Club on September 3. Dozens of Harvard professors, students, local entrepreneurs and professionals attended the meeting. Signing of agreement of corperation between Harvard University and Sichuan province.

Boston Chinatown Celebrates August Moon Festival

By David Li, bostonese.com Boston, August 18, 2014, — Tens of thousands people showed up at the August Moon Festival in Boston Chinatown on August 10 as the weather was just perfect. Three candidates for MA Governor: Steve Grossman, Don Berwick and Charlie Baker greeted visors on the stage on Harrison Ave with CCBA-NE president… Continue reading Boston Chinatown Celebrates August Moon Festival

Japanese Delegation Visits Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing

Nanjing, China, August 16, 2014, — A group of peace advocates from Japan visited Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre yesterday. Friday, August 15, 2014, marked the 69th anniversary of Japan’s unconditional surrender at the end of world War II. Zhu Chengshan (3rd L, front), curator of the Memorial Hall of the Victims… Continue reading Japanese Delegation Visits Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing

Notes from BBOA Summer Party

By Beatrice Lee, bostonese.com columnist Medford, August 11, 2014, — Some of you didn’t make “THE” party of the year by Boston Beijing Operation Association(BBOA) on Sunday. It’s your loss. Sorry to say that. We had a wonderful time eating(stuff to our faces), chatting(no one was listening to others), singing(wild) and performing(wonderful and astonishing). Group… Continue reading Notes from BBOA Summer Party

WWII Pacific War Memorial Hall to be Built in San Francisco

By Han Shasha, People’s Daily Online San Francisco, July 9, 2014, — July 7 marks the 77th anniversary of the start of the Chinese people’s war of resistance against Japanese aggression. The buildup of the world’s first overseas memorial hall to memorize the war was announced Monday in San Francisco. Florence Fang speaks at the… Continue reading WWII Pacific War Memorial Hall to be Built in San Francisco

Jannie Mark Receives Visionary Award at QARI Community Banquet

By David Li, bostonese.com Quincy, Mass., June 9, 2014, — The seventh Quincy Asian Resources Inc. community banquet were held on May 30 at China Pearl in Quincy. Close to 600 guests, including candidate for governor State Treasurer Steve Grossman, candidate for Lt. Governor Cambridge City Councilor Leland Cheung, participated in the banquet. Jannie Mark… Continue reading Jannie Mark Receives Visionary Award at QARI Community Banquet

Speech by President Obama at 70th Anniversary of D-Day

Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial Omaha Beach Normandy, France 11:16 A.M. CET PRESIDENT OBAMA: President Hollande; to the people of France; friends; the family; our veterans: If prayer were made of sound, the skies over England that night would have deafened the world. Mr. Arthur Wong, a D-Day veteran, lives in Boston Chinatown (photo by… Continue reading Speech by President Obama at 70th Anniversary of D-Day