Boston – The English Works Campaign, a statewide effort led by English for New Bostonians, is soliciting nominations of businesses and labor-management programs that support English language classes for immigrants in Massachusetts. The Certificate of Recognition is a cornerstone of the Campaign, serving to raise the visibility of the need for English classes and critical… Continue reading Mayor Walsh, English Works Campaign to Recognize Businesses Supporting ESOL
Tag: immigration
How Immigrants Can Become True American Citizens
By Yukong Zhao, columnist In the last 22 years since I immigrated to the U.S., people often asked me: Why did you come to America? Like many other immigrants, I came to America for a better life. However, it is easy for us to appreciate what a better life means, but not easy for… Continue reading How Immigrants Can Become True American Citizens
California Must Follow B.C. and Apologize to the Chinese Community
Commentary by San Fransisco, July 10, 2014, — The legislature of British Columbia, Canada passed motion to apologize to the Chinese community in May 2014 for historical wrongs. The apology, which was introduced by Premier Christy Clark, aimed to recognize and make amends for 160 historical racist and discriminatory policies imposed in B.C., such… Continue reading California Must Follow B.C. and Apologize to the Chinese Community
Obama Demands Action by Congress on Immigration Reform in Rose Garden Speech
REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT ON BORDER SECURITY AND IMMIGRATION REFORM Rose Garden 3:04 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everybody. One year ago this month, senators of both parties –- with support from the business, labor, law enforcement, faith communities –- came together to pass a commonsense immigration bill. Independent experts said that bill would… Continue reading Obama Demands Action by Congress on Immigration Reform in Rose Garden Speech
Golfer Alice Chen Repeats as N.J. State Champion
By David Li, Princeton, N.J., June 19, 2014, — Alice Chen of Neshanic Valley was named a member of ALL-USA High School Girls Golf Team by USA Today yesterday. Chen has won back-to-back state titles in record-breaking fashion after leading New Jersey to its first title in the 10th USGA State Team Championship on… Continue reading Golfer Alice Chen Repeats as N.J. State Champion
Highly Skilled Immigrants — America Wants You!
Washington, D.C., May 6, 2014, — As part of the Administration’s continuing commitment to attract and retain highly skilled immigrants, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) today announced the publication of two proposed rules, including a rule to extend employment authorization to spouses of certain H-1B workers, and a proposal to enhance opportunities for certain… Continue reading Highly Skilled Immigrants — America Wants You!
Nashua Concert Series Ends with Performance by Yang and Olivia Liu
Nashua, N.H., April 30, 2014, — The Nashua Community Concert Association concluded its 2013-2014 season with a concert of classical and Chinese music by Yang and Olivia Liu on April 11. The concert was held at Nashua’s Elm Street Middle School.
Office of New Bostonians April 18, 2014 Announcements
April 18, 2014 Announcements Dear Friends and Colleagues, Enclosed are this week announcements for your sharing with your networks. Please forward any of your announcements to and we will be happy to post them on. Sincerely, Alejandra St. Guillen
April 4, 2014 Announcements from Mayor’s Office of New Bostonians
March 28, 2014 Announcements from Mayor’s Office of New Bostonians
March 28, 2014 Announcements Dear Friends and Colleagues, Enclosed are this week announcements for your sharing with your networks. Please forward any of your announcements to and we will be happy to post them on. Sincerely, Alejandra St. Guillen